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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL-November 15, 2010 13 <br /> 7.A. Arden Hall Planned Unit Development and Zoning Code Amendment (continued) <br /> City Planner Beekman stated in this case it would be private property. - <br /> Councilmember Holden clarified there was no easement on the Wellington property and there <br /> was only an agreement that the City would be included as part of the sign in this location. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated this was correct. The City could still place a sign in the right-of- <br /> way even if the property is not redeveloped. The PUD negotiated that Wellington would pay for <br /> part of the sign. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated the City could include a civic feature when the northwest corner is <br /> redeveloped. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the developer would have issues with developing this corner due <br /> to the restraints on this corner lot. She suggested the City request this sign or easement be <br /> included in the current request. She asked Mr. Davidson for his input regarding the incorporation -_ <br /> of a City feature at this location. <br /> Mr. Davidson stated he is honored that the City would consider his property as a location for a <br /> City feature. He is open to having an Arden Hills gateway sign in this location but would request <br /> the City delay requiring this feature until he is able to bring a formal plan forward regarding the <br /> development of this corner including this feature. <br /> City Planner Beekman suggested the City be as flexible as possible with the language. A <br /> condition could be added that states at the time the property is subdivided or after so many years a <br /> civic feature be incorporated into this corner as part of the redevelopment of this corner. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher suggested a time frame of subdivision be <br /> established or 10 years. The intent is to provide the City with access to the corner at this location. <br /> Staff could work on the specific language. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested a new condition could be added that read: "Upon any future PUD or <br /> new building development on the parcel a civic feature be incorporated into the corner of <br /> Lexington and County Road E subject to the approval of the City." <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested a time frame also be incorporated into the language. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested the condition could read "Upon any future PUD, new building <br /> development on the parcel, or an elapsed ten year time a civic feature be incorporated into the <br /> corner of Lexington and County Road E subject to the approval of the City." <br /> City Planner Beekman stated any new development on the property would require a PUD. <br /> Mr. Davidson stated the intent is to have the corner redeveloped before the end of ten years. <br />