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Requested Action <br />Background <br />1. Overview of Request: <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for January 5, 2011 <br />�R�EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 5, 2011 PC Agenda Item 3.B <br />TO: Planning Commission <br />FROM: Meagan Beekman, City Planner <br />SUBJECT: Planning Case #11 -002 This application does NOT require a public hearing <br />Applicant: 3 900 Northwoods Drive, LLC <br />Property Location: 3 920 Northwoods Drive <br />Request: Site Plan Review Sign Standard Adjustment <br />The applicant has requested a site plan review for a sign standard adjustment that would allow <br />for a deviation from the sign code for the height of the freestanding sign located at 3 920 <br />Northwoods Drive. <br />The applicant is proposing to increase the height of the freestanding pylon sign located at <br />3 920 Northwoods Drive from 16 feet to 35 feet. The sign face itself would remain <br />unaffected. The property is located in the B -3 Service Business District directly south of the <br />694 westbound off ramp to Lexington Avenue. The property is to the west of the Super 8 <br />Motel and Perkins properties, and to the east of the I -Flex District. <br />3 920 Northwoods Drive is an office building that has been vacant for a number of years. <br />Presently the property has a freestanding pylon sign located adjacent to I -694. The existing <br />sign is 16 feet in height with a sign face that is 102 square feet in size. The property owner <br />has been actively marketing the property and believes that improving the visibility of the <br />signage from I -694 would assist in getting the property leased or sold. Other signs along I- <br />694 in this area are 35 feet in height, and are more visible than the existing 16 -foot tall sign. <br />In Arden Hills, all commercial properties that do not have frontage on County Road E, <br />Lexington Avenue, or Highway 96 are located within Sign District 7. The Sign Code limits <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />