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Ordinance 2010-010 <br />Subd. 94 Land reclamation. The deposition of more than four hundred (400) cubic <br />yards of sand, gravel, or other earth materials per single parcel or per acre, whichever is <br />greater, on a site in such a manner as to elevate the grade. <br />Subd. 95 Landscape lot area. That portion of a lot required to remain as open space, <br />free of buildings, parking and drives. <br />Landscape lot areas may consist of - <br />A. Naturally vegetated areas, <br />B. Wetlands or ponding areas, <br />C. Planting beds, ground cover and mulch areas (vegetative, rock, bark chip, <br />etc.), <br />D. Decorative walkways and areas not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the <br />required landscape lot area, and <br />E. Outdoor recreation areas. <br />Subd. 96 Landscaping. Plantings such as trees, grass, shrubs. <br />Subd. 97 Loading area. Any area where trucks are maneuvered and parked, for the <br />purposes of loading or unloading products, materials or equipment. <br />Subd. 98 Lot. A parcel of land described by metes and bounds measurement, reference <br />to a registered Iand survey, plat, record of survey map, or other means, and separated <br />from other parcels or portions by said description, and which is occupied by, or is <br />suitable under this Code and other applicable ordinances for occupancy by one (1) <br />principal building, or used together with any accessory buildings or uses and such open <br />spaces as are required by this Code. <br />Subd. 99 Lot area. The total site area within the lot lines. <br />Subd. 100 Lot area, net buildable. The space remaining on a lot after the minimum <br />landscape area, open space and setback requirements of this Code have been met. <br />Subd. 101 Lot area per family. The lot area per family is the lot area required by this <br />Code to be provided for each family in a dwelling. <br />Subd. 102 Lot, buildable portion of. (Building Envelope) The area of a lot on which a <br />principal structure may be placed. The portion of a lot remaining after the minimum <br />building setbacks have been met. (Lot area, net buildable, is more limiting as other <br />deductions are included). <br />DRAFT: 1/5/2011 <br />Page 11 of 51 <br />