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EDC Minutes <br />April 21, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />B. TCAAP Update and Proposed Zoning Regulations (continued) <br />Council Liaison Harpstead noted the Council will continue to review this document, along with <br />gaining input from the Planning Commission and Park Board. A public hearing will be held in <br />June prior to Council approval. He explained the document could always be amended if issues <br />were to arise in the future. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff invited the EDC to attend the Planning <br />Commission or Council meetings to provide additional input. He encouraged the EDC to <br />forward any additional comments or questions to him after the meeting. <br />UPDATES <br />A. TCAAP Other Projects <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff asked the committee for their general comments <br />B. Commission Members <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff asked the committee for their general comments <br />C. Council Liaison <br />Council Liaison Harpstead reported a position was offered to an individual for the City <br />Administrator position. With the TCAAP transition last May, the City needed better leadership <br />and negotiations continue at this point to fill the vacancy. <br />Council Liaison Harpstead indicated the TH 10 and CR 96 approval process should come before <br />Council in several months for final approval. The Council is concerned about how this area will <br />impact the surrounding neighborhoods. In addition, MnDOT is interested in redoing bridges <br />(seven total in Arden Hills) on 1-694 to the point they may break ground in 2011. The City will <br />need to consider how these rebuilds affect the traffic flow throughout the City, especially along <br />County Road E. The B -2 redevelopment may wait until the bridge rebuilds are complete. <br />Council Liaison Harpstead reviewed detailed reconstruction MnDOT plans with the group. <br />Council Liaison Harpstead suggested the links to the MnDOT plans be emailed to the EDC <br />members. He anticipated that MnDOT would be bringing the plans before the City of Arden <br />Hills in the next few months. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff reported the Arden Plaza redevelopment was on <br />hold indefinitely and they have not secured a contract with Walgreens to date. He anticipates an <br />amended PUD to come before the City within the next month or so. <br />