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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL—DECEMBER 6, 2010 4 <br /> 6.A Truth-In-Taxation Hearing and Presentation (continued) <br /> Tom Mulcahy, 3530 Siems Court, felt the Truth in Taxation hearing was unhelpful to the public. <br /> The hearing should be more meaningful to the public. The information provided this evening was <br /> too technical. He requested the information be broken down and reported simply to allow the <br /> Council to remain transparent to the public. Mr. Okahee expressed concern with the increase in <br /> staff members given the state of the economy. He requested the City provide a staff head count <br /> which could be broken down by department for the public to review. He felt the City was grossly <br /> overstaffed. Mr. Okahee suggested the City create a subcommittee for residents to oversee the <br /> financial tendencies of the City. In addition, he requested that five-year projections be included in -- <br /> the budget to provide a more thorough view of the budget. <br /> Russ Bertsch, 4419 Amble Circle, commented that the budget increase was greater this year <br /> based on the reduction of property value for commercial property. He questioned if the increase <br /> was 6% for 2011 and if any other changes were expected to the levy. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson explained the preliminary levy was <br /> sent out to the residents this fall and the final levy was reviewed this evening. She stated the shift <br /> between commercial and residential property values did increase residential property taxes <br /> approximately 6%. She recommended Mr. Bertsch contact City staff if he desired to further <br /> review his proposed property taxes. <br /> Mayor Harpstead closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. <br /> Mayor Harpstead commented that the City staff head count was broken down by department and <br /> the information was available on the City's website. He thanked all those present for providing <br /> comments this evening. <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Emergency Management Proposal <br /> City Administrator Klaers summarized the Emergency Management Proposal with the Council. <br /> Staff met with three individuals to review and discuss the emergency management needs in Arden <br /> Hills. He recommended Lance Ross and Emergency Preparedness Resource Group (EPRG) to <br /> meet the emergency management needs of the City. <br /> Lance Ross, Emergency Preparedness Resource Group (EPRG), addressed the Council stating his <br /> organization had practical experience in real world events and could greatly assist the City of <br /> Arden Hills. He was familiar with the needs of the City and had response experience both with <br /> man-made and natural disasters. Mr. Ross indicated he completed an assessment with Staff and <br /> recommended several training sessions for Staff to prepare them to handle an emergency situation. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how many training courses were recommended at this time. <br /> Mr. Ross stated one six hour table-top seminar was recommended to refresh staff of necessary <br /> emergency information. <br />
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