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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—December 13, 2010 9 <br /> 6.A. 2011 Pavement Management Program — Public Hearing and Resolution 2010-080: <br /> Ordering Public Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2011 <br /> Pavement Management Program (continued) <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked what Staff was doing to improve the water quality for Karth <br /> Lake. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated based on neighborhood input, Staff has looked at what they can do to <br /> improve the water quality in Karth Lake. Staff will look into this more during the final design <br /> process to determine what the City can do. <br /> MOTION: Mayor Harpstead moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion to <br /> Adopt Resolution 2010-080: Ordering Public Improvement and Preparation <br /> of Plans and Specifications for the 2011 Pavement Management Pro ram. <br /> Mayor Harpstead clarified this was the first step outlined in the process and the final cost <br /> determination would not be made until after bids had been received, which is expected to be in <br /> May 2011. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the estimates were based on last year's costs. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga clarified the estimates were based on costs for projects from the last couple <br /> of years and the costs from surrounding communities for similar projects. Staff also included a <br /> percentage increase but the estimates are considered to be conservative. <br /> The motion to adopt Resolution 2010-080 was called to a vote. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> B. Public Hearing Proposed TIF District—Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that at an earlier worksession the Council had determined there would <br /> be no action on this item at this meeting but the City would proceed with the public hearing. <br /> Ms. Stacie Kvilvang, Ehlers & Associates, stated Presbyterian Homes has approached the City <br /> about its proposed redevelopment of portions of their facilities on their existing site. Presbyterian <br /> Homes is inquiring about the possibility of the City off-setting some of the cost associated with <br /> this redevelopment by providing Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Presbyterian Homes has <br /> completed the required applications and paid the required fees and escrow deposits. If this request <br /> is granted action would be required to modify the development program for Development District <br /> No. 1 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 within Development District No. 1 <br /> and adopt the Tax Increment Financing Plan. As part of the process, the City Council will also <br /> approve the Development Contract between the City and Presbyterian Homes. TIF District 4 is <br /> proposed to be a renewal and renovation district with a term of 16 years (15 years after the first <br /> increment). Presbyterian Homes would like to receive the first increment in 2014. She clarified <br /> that the proposed TIF Budget was a maximum amount. To provide the City flexibility to <br /> capitalize 20% of the funds from the District for administrative and/or pooling for other projects, <br /> the City is being asked to consider the approval of an interfund loan resolution. <br />