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_ ._ ____ __ __ _ _ <br />Mn/DOT Agreement No. 92716 <br />STATE OF MIlV�NESOTA AGENCY AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />AND <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CONSTRUCT�ON <br />This agreement is entered inta i�y and between the City aiArden Hills ("Cit�'} and the State <br />of Mir�nesota acti:ng thraugh its Cozr�missioner of Transportation ("Mn/DOT"), <br />Pursuant to Minnesata Statuies Section i 6�.3b, the City efesires MnIDOT to act as the City's <br />agent i� accepting federal funds on the City's beha�f for ihe const�ction, im}�rovernent, or <br />enhanc�rnent of transportation finar�ced either in wt�a�e or in part by federaI funds, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Praject(s)"; and <br />Mz�IDOT req�tir�s that the terms and conditions of this agency be set forth in an agreement. <br />THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br />�. DUTIES 4F THE CTTY. <br />A. DESIGNATION. The City designates Mn/DOT to act as iEs agent �n accepting <br />federai funds in its behalf rnade avai�abie for the Project(s}. <br />B. STAFFING. <br />1. The Ciry wili furnish and assign a publiciy employed licensed engineer, {"Project <br />Engineer"), to be in responsible charge of the Project(s) and to supervzse and <br />direct the work to be gerformed under any const�-uction contract let for the <br />Project{s). In t�.e alternative where ti�e City elects co use a grivate consuitant for <br />construction er�gineering se�vices, th� City will provide. a quali�'ied, full-ti�ne <br />public employ�e of the City, to l�e in responsible charge of t�e Project(s). The <br />ser�ic�s of the City to be per%rmed hereur�der sttay not be assigned, sublet, or <br />transferred unless the City is notified in writi�g by Mn1DOT that such acCian is <br />per�nittcd under 23 CFR 1.33 and 23 CFR 635.105 and state law. This written <br />consent wiil in no way relieve the City fronn its prirnary responsibilily for <br />perfarmance af the work. <br />2. During the pragress of the worEc o� the Project(s}, the City authorizes its Project <br />Engineer to request in writir�g specific engineering and/or tec��nical services fram <br />(Ma/DOT A° eement i�io. 9?, i fi) <br />i*I:1FedAidlP.greementliatest sampieslArden Hil�s 187 AC Apency Ab eement 08.doc 2I�IOb page 1 <br />