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construction. Subsequent manthly payments will be calculated <br />based upon the periodic inierest rate adjustments and the remaining <br />loan te�n as discussed further below. <br />�nterest Rate: The initial interest rate is 3.75% based upon a 365/365-day accrual <br />methad. Please bear in mind the Issu�r rwill represent that tk�is <br />iransaction is bank-qualified, which allows the lender to deduct <br />80% of its carrying costs. Thus, the ta�able equivalent is S.bO% <br />assuming you avoid Federal taxes at a rate of 34%. This taxable <br />equivalent rate is ap�roximately 300 basis points over �he yield of <br />Treasury securities on April 15, 2008 �rith remaini�g mafuriiies of <br />five years. <br />Interest Rate <br />Adjustment: On the 64th, 120�' and 180th month anniversaries of the loar� <br />closing, the interest rate will be adjusted based on changes in the <br />fi�e-year U.S. Treasury Consiant Maturity index. Throughout the <br />loan ter�n the �naximum increase to the initial tax-exempt rate will <br />be 250 basis points. If Treasury yields at the iime of the rate <br />adjustment warrant it, the maximum increase would result in a tax- <br />e�empt rate af 6.25%, with a ta�cable equivalent rate of 9.33°/a. <br />The interesi rate will be adjusted on each fifth anniversary by <br />taking the then current 5-year US Treasury Constant Matur�ty and <br />adding 3.00%, this sum will then be lessened by rnultiplying it by <br />67% to arrive at the adjusted inierest rate subject to the lifetinr�e <br />interest rate cap of 6.25%. <br />Security: This rzote will be secured by the Obligor's unconditional promise <br />to repay the note. The Lender will be further secured by a first <br />mortgage on the Proj ect. <br />Prepavment: The Obligor shall have �he right ta prepay ihe note in fuil or in part <br />on any rnonthly payment date, subject to t�urty days' notice, <br />withoui penalty or service charge. If the Qbligor desires, and upon <br />rernittanca of a material {5%) partial prepayxnent, the Lender shall <br />agree to re-arnortize the �ote, ihereby reducing its required annual <br />d�bt service. <br />Obli�or 4rganizational Profile: <br />4 <br />