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� EN I�ILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: J�aly 2S, 20D8 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councii <br />Ron Moorse, City Adznznistrator <br />FROM: Greg Hoag, Public Works Director <br />St7BJECT: Purchase of additional 800 MHz Portable Radios for Arden Hills <br />E��ergency Mai�agement <br />BACK�RQUND <br />At the March 3 l, 2008 City Council meeting, Council autk�orized the purchase of four 800 MHz <br />radios for emerge�cy manageinent use in Arden Hills. In 20f}4 Ramsey County submitted for a <br />Federal Homeland Security Grant to off set tl�e eosts ofthe equipme�t and radios needed for the <br />County wide 800 MHz project. The County received this grant and has used it as a$1,092.0(� <br />deduction in �he cost of each radio purchased. The County is also crediting eac� radio purchase <br />wath a$903.00 CoUnty subsidy for a total credit of � 1,995.00 for each of the radios purehased. <br />In 20�4 Arden Hills identifie� a total af 76 radios as the potential needs for the city. To date the <br />Lake Johanna Fire Departme�t has purchased 2� of tnese radios for their use and the �se of the <br />North Suburban Hazardous Matez-�als team, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department has <br />purchased 9 radios, and the City of Arden Hills has purchased 4 radias for a total of 34 rac�ios <br />from the originai allacat�on rec�uest of 76. <br />Staff was notified via e-mail (attac�ed) on May 1 b, 2008 hy Scott Wi�liams, Ramsey County <br />Directo� of Emergency Communicatior�s that the funds from th� Federal Homeland Secuz7ity <br />Grant from 2004 wou�d �nost likely not be availahle after 2008 as the Co�nty is in th:e pracess of <br />closing out finaJ purchases re�ati�g to this Grant. The cost of a new radio is $3,093.34 each, less <br />the fi.�nding from the FEMA Grant and County subsidy of $1,995.00, the to�al cost per radio is <br />$ I,098.34. As part of the 2008-�412 Capital Irnprave�ent PIan the purchase of 800 MHz <br />portable radios for tlae years 2008 and 2009 were pIanned and budgete� %r $4,000.00 in each <br />year. The cost to the city for the four radias purchase� in April was $3,593.3b. <br />In the event of a large scale disaster the initial four radios would be assig�ed for use in the City <br />Emergency Operations Center {EOC) by the Incident Coxraax�an:d Staff. The Purchase of six <br />additional radios would allow our Public Works and Building Inspection Departments to have <br />radios in the fieId ciuring a disaster event, allowing them to comrnunieate with the EOC and other <br />Public Safety organizations. <br />