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� <br />EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: Janua�y 31, 2011 <br />TO: Honorable Mayox and Ciiy Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: Recognition for Years of �ervice and Emp�oyee of ihe Year <br />Backsround <br />The City Co�ncit of Arden Hills encourages and supports recognizing employees who <br />make significani coniributions to the City. At its Septerr�ber 1994 meeting, the City <br />Council adopted Resol�tion No. 94-47, establishing a� Employee Recogt�ition Cornmittee <br />(ERC}. The ERC then recommended a list of programs tQ recagnize e�x�ployees for: years <br />of service, exceptional performance and ret'rrement. In June of 2005, the Employee <br />Recognition Policy wa� established. The 2010 ERC was rr�ade up of the following <br />ezx�ployees: Michelle Olson, Joe Rueb, Dave Scherbel, Rebecca Brazys, Max Arvidson <br />a.�d Sonja Klingberg. <br />Employee of the Year <br />The purpose of selecting an Emplayee of the Yeax is to reward employees who are <br />adjudged by their co-workers to be deserving of special recognition for their <br />accomplishment� and contributions ta the City. The ERC {ir�cluding Brenda Holden as the <br />Council representative} met and followed ihe procedure below to determine the City of <br />Arden Hi11s 2010 Employee of the Year: <br />• Each employee was given �lie opparturzxty to nominate a City employee (or onesel� for <br />Employee of the Year. <br />r The following categories �epresented areas which are used to determine an Employee <br />of thc Year. Each norz�ination zriust relate to either one of the categor�es, and shall <br />include a descri�iion detailing the reasan for the nominatior�. <br />1. Exceptional Performance - Consistent high-leve� of dependability, reliabiliiy, <br />responsibility and integrity over a period of emplay�ent with the city are items <br />measured in this category. Recognition is given ta high quality ongoing consistent <br />dedication to th�e City. This category also recognizes individual(s) who consistently <br />pxoject a positive image of ihe City ar�d its services to his/h�r co-workers and the <br />general public. <br />P: L4dtninlCouncillftgendas & Packet Information420ll11-3I-11 RegularlPacket.lnformatfon1013111 <br />Employee of the year - Recognition. doc <br />