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� <br />EN HIL,LS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: Jxnuary 3l, 2011 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councxlnaennbers <br />FROM: Patrick Klaers, C�#y Admif s ra�#o <br />. `� 2�� <br />SUBJECT: Sher��f Matt Sostrom <br />Back�round <br />Sheriff Matt Bostrom has attended the last twa meetings of the Contracted Cities group. <br />At these meetings, Sheriff Bostro� indicated that he would like to attend a City Council <br />�neeting to introduce himseliand to discuss his phiiosophy for providing services. Aftez <br />looking a� our rr�eetir�g schedules, this �anuary 31Sf date is the one that warked out best <br />for both parties. <br />The Contracted Cities graup been in existence far over 50 years and Arden Hills has <br />been a membex sz�.ce i 977. The seven cities combined have a population of <br />appxoxirn.ately 74,004 and are about 56 square miles in area. The Sheriff's Department <br />and the Contracted Cities group agree on #he annual budget; a�nd the Cantracted Cities <br />have an agreement among themselves on the �unding farzx�.ula for h.ow the budget is <br />spr�ad bet�ween the seven com�nnunities. At�ached is a m.ap outlining the seven <br />Contracted Cities. <br />