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�Vhat We Do — EPRG <br />Page 1 of i ' � . - <br />� <br />WHAT WE DCl <br />What We Do <br />The mission and vision of emecgencv prepazedness resource group, lle, is ta ecaGze Su6ject A(atte� Experts (5\fFs) aad pracdcai experience to provide <br />comprehensive, cusromized emerger�ct gre�aredness planr�ng and consuhat�pn. By selecting ocEtstanding �rofessyonais from the appropziate fields, <br />EPRG is ab�e to assembte the mosi effecuve and eFficienr reun possible to meet the nee�s of every ciienc. Ei'RG seafF and coatrac�ed S�'fEs haee <br />exteasive experience ac che agency, focal, regiona� .taie and naaonal levels_ L�1hat mafces us so unique is that we are doiag rhe assessing, pla�g, <br />faclitating, res�onding, colEaborating teaching, dri[ling �reparing, and impietreenung on a daily basis within our �espective agenc�es. "i�he collective sfcill <br />sets and real wo�{d expenence of ouc 5,14£s allow us co pur coge[her the most effec�ve team to get [he �06 done. <br />Ce�ntact us to see how we cari asrisc pou �vuH your �reparedness efForts. <br />`� � ` - � ri� . <br />'�dr: -. <br />, •?�' � h � � _ " �', - - <br />EM�RE's�NCY PF2EF'AREL7h€E'-'aS. . l ; � f <br />■■�■ f2�S�E.�RCE GF�CJE7f=' L�� � � •, �u� .,:�:. - <br />�F. � �^ � _ Y_`�3 . .. � <br />`� ".-"Rf - f..,i`n i 214t` ��, 'X <br />. . ..-_. - �• . .. .. . _ ..` . . . �.a�:�_:"�'.._ <br />� <br />http://�vv�rw.epreso�rcegroup_corn/abou�/wt�at �ve do <br />�: <br />S/19f2010 <br />