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The majority of youth field use in Arden Hills comes from the Association Use. Below is an estimate of fees we <br /> would have collected from 2010—if we had a youth field fee. <br /> If we charged$5.00 per 4 hour time block: <br /> Association: <br /> Shoreview Area Youth Baseball (SAY$) _ <br /> Games: $ 520.00 _ <br /> Practice: 2,120.00 <br /> TOTAL $2,640.00 <br /> North Suburban Soccer Association (NSSA) <br /> Games/Practice: $ 180.00 <br /> TOTAL- $2,820.00 <br /> If we charged$15.00 per 4 hour block: <br /> Association: <br /> Shoreview Area Youth Baseball (SAYE) <br /> Games: $ 1,560.00 <br /> Practice: $6,360.00 <br /> TOTAL $ 7,920.00 <br /> North Suburban Soccer Association (NSSA) <br /> Games/Practice: $ 540.00 <br /> TOTAL: $8,460.00 <br /> Things to consider regarding fees: <br /> 1. Administration of the fees will take extra staff time. The per hour fee is more difficult to manage than a 3 <br /> or 4 hour time block. In most cases,groups will only book for an hour or two and use the fields for a <br /> longer period of time. <br /> 2. Practices for the associations are assigned in a block of time_ For example,Perry#3 is assigned to SAYB <br /> Mondays and Tuesdays all spring/summer from 5-dusk. They assign their own coaches. The associations <br /> would be reluctant to book time slots if they have to pay for each time slot,whether it is used or not. <br /> Therefore,they may send coaches to us to schedule and this would be very high maintenance for our staff. <br /> 3. If we decide not to charge associations,the youth facility/field fees would end up being minimal. The <br /> majority of field use comes from the associations. <br /> 4. Expectations for field conditions become a problem when fees are instituted. The users expect fields to be <br /> dragged daily versus our standard every other day and game days. Mowing expectations become <br /> unrealistic. <br /> 5. The association will use the fields as minimally as possible when there is a fee involved. They will go to <br /> surrounding suburbs that don't have fees. <br />