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City of Arde�► Hilis C�apter S Alcoholic Be�verages <br />50011 Granting of Licenses. The City Council may make, ar ca�se to be made, an in�estigation, <br />as it deen�as appropriate, of the claims set forth in the application. The Council may hold a <br />public hearing relative to the issua�ce of any licensc under the provisions of �his section. The <br />granting of an-sale and off-sale liquor licenses shall be discretianary with the Council, No off <br />sale liquor license shall become effect�ve unti[ it, together with the proof of insurance furnished <br />by the applica�.t, has been aPproved by the commissioner of public safety. <br />500.12 All licenses issued under the prov�sions of this section shali expire on the last day of <br />December of each yeaw. Each license shall be issued for a per�od of one year, but if a portian of <br />the license year has elapsed when the applicatior� is made a ticense may be issued for the <br />re�nainder of th� year for a pro rata fee. In computing the fee, any expired frac#ion of a mo�th <br />s�all be counted as one month. <br />50013 Renewals. Applications for renewal of an existing license issued under the provisions of <br />this chapter shalI be filed with the City Adtninistrator on or before November 1 of the year <br />preceding the year which is the subject of the license. <br />500.14 Transfer. No license may be transferred to anofher person or to another place without <br />the approval of the City Council. Verified �ppIication for #rausfer shall be made in writing to <br />the City Administrator and shali be accompanied by certitied check or �noney order payable to <br />the Ciiy, i� fhe amount esiablished by Ordinance adopted by the CounciL The Council shall <br />make aw cause to be made an investiga.tian as it deems appropriate regarding the transferee or <br />the proposed Iocation. This provision sha[1 also ap�ly in the event of application by a corporate <br />5-13 <br />Revised A�gust 31, 2fl09 <br />