�EC, 8. 2010 3:48PM b5126b7306 N0, 1459 P, 7
<br />Moedy, ,1�m
<br />�� n�rr r r�uw �
<br />Pram: Sal4�r, M�ke
<br />Sent: Monday, A�ril 'i 9, 2010 9:50 AM
<br />To: Moody, Jim
<br />Cc: Alf�ndorfer, Gearge
<br />Subject: FW:
<br />�mm: hlankee, Mi[ce �.�.,��,.����.��,»�.»�......,��..aa.�...�....,�___,__.�.,._..
<br />Sent: Mvnday, April 19, 2010 9:�� AM
<br />70: Sal��, Mike; Paget, Jae; Qtta, Kevin; Rzeszutek, William
<br />Sub�ec�:
<br />On the evening af �riday 4-1 �-2010 I]eputy I�,zeszuteK and i canduc#ed alcohol complianc� cE�ecks in the seven contr�ct
<br />cities af Arden Hills, Gem Lake, Lit#le Canada, hlarkh O�ks, 5horeview, V�drt2i5 F��ights, and White Be�r `faWnShlp. Two
<br />male buy�rs assisted �n doing the checks (one 20 2r�cf the bther '19 y�ars old), F1� general practice one buyer rade with
<br />one deputy and atEempted t� pUrchase a�coY,al at any liquor stor�, gas s�ation, or grocery s#ore that hQld� � liquor
<br />ficer�se in flte c�ntract cities. After fhat was comp�e#�d th� b[�yers� and deputies jained up and the buyers wou[d en#er the
<br />bars ar+d resta�rants #ogether.
<br />62 tatal businesses r�veze chec�ec�.. Bzo�ez� do� fihat �nclud�d: 34 bar/resta�ants, 17 Iiquar stores, 3 gas
<br />statians, and 3 grocery stores.
<br />Addi�ion�lly, S other busiztesses were �heoked t�at sk�o�va�. to ho�d a liquor license but did nvt have a�.cc�hol for
<br />sale. '
<br />Ofali the business�s checked, Kozlak's RoyalOa� Restat�ant is th� on1� buainess that faiied, sel�ing a tap beer
<br />to #�xe 19 year old buyer.
<br />�,1so during the evenin� D�puly ltzeszutek obsezved a n��aax o�suspi.ciaus juveniles in tb.e Rainbaw raods
<br />par�Oix�g Xo�. Uppn makir,.g contact with the j�ver�les he discovered t�ae� pass�ssed a bottle af alcahol, and
<br />m.�xij�a�za.,
<br />�Vith ]�.i�h school grad�ua�ions and �xor�z seaso�x startin� u�, it was nice tv see so xxaa,ra� busir�esses ir� compliance
<br />tivith the law.
<br />D����
<br />�'� � S�'a ��
<br />.Sc� ,�eaa�ov�.e ��ie�
<br />¢� G5T�621�7�i23
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