With Changes in parenthesis
<br />Solicitars, Peddlers, Transient Please reference Section 350 af No charge
<br />Permit - Non-Profit the Municipal Code for zz�ore
<br />Organizations information
<br />: � ,� ��,� � � � � �
<br />�T�e +�:� � � � ; s � a . ��:x �i � '�'i'",��,�- � x�-. . � a�
<br />EA' `�.� 17��5 �c"'.�,`s :�;� .. 4c. . :' �.. .� ,:;. ' :a t rt� �x'%��- r �;.
<br />� �... , s:< �� :,s .sz.:- .� � x:- � ` � � '� «�', �
<br />. ...... �.._.A .,,. . �,,,s , .... �.,.��_ ., . ._ . ... _� ,... ..... , _.._.,...... ...�..
<br />Initial Fee Per Sign $50.40
<br />�ermanent Signs, Annual Per Sign, 100 syuare feet or less $20.00
<br />Renewal {maxir�nurn allowable size)
<br />_ __.___.._---------_ - ----- - ---- ----
<br />Tem or Si s $50.00
<br />Si�s, Impoundment F�rst Offense � _ ___________ �z5.00 _
<br />Signs, Impoundmen# Second Offe�se $50.00
<br />�s, Impoundmen# Third Offense $100 00
<br />' � : �`.��r _ '� �, - ,,^�,� r 5't Rim"�,".�' :� „`v� i .e�
<br />X M�sceIIan���F��es/Permrts :', : �p � < 1 "� � � � ;.
<br />, . .: �; . �-.., . _ r,,�..., � �i ��' . � . .... . : . . .. : : � _ .. .� ... � .:�f,. . ...5.,a :,"'� +� .a'�''�'M �'x � � �'�,k �^• �''�*.,.ti
<br />�
<br />t �
<br />( �Illlu3l . . : ,; . ,. .� F � �.5, . . ... _
<br />Rubbish Hauler Q.00
<br />_._--- — ------__.___._.....__.__.._._.____....__- - --__.�.�.�. ._._.� -
<br />RecycIing Hauler Annual $�so.oa
<br />Contractor License i Annual $50 00
<br />Miscellaneous Pe�-�n:zit Fee ; For al1 other ermits not listed $38.00
<br />Staff Research $50.00 er half hour
<br />Penalties %r Late Payment Failure to pay a.ny penalty � 1Q% of license fee ar $3Q.p0,
<br />imposed shalI be grounds for th� whichever is greater
<br />suspension or termination of any
<br />__ license issued b� the City� ��__ ___......._ ._.._ _.....�
<br />Tobacco Saies, Ille al� k'irst Offense $100.00 + warning
<br />Tobacco Sales, IIlegal Second Offense Suspension of iicense %r
<br />re�nainder of calendar ear
<br />Tobacco Sales, Illegal Third �f�ense Revocation of license for one
<br />year
<br />---------......_...._..------- -�__...._.� __.. --- -- ---_ _ _--- -
<br />Candidate �'ili� Fee __ $2.00
<br />Insufficient Funds/Returned i $30.00
<br />Check Fee j
<br />_� _
<br />Rental Re istration Fee j $4Q.00 er rental unit
<br />Rental Registratian Penaliy Fee � $8Q.00 per rental unit
<br />----�------ -
<br />Residential Contractor License ; $5.00
<br />Check
<br />Business Subsidy Application Required to reimburse City for $2,000.00 +$10,000.00 escrow
<br />Fee full cost of review
<br />Const�ruction Activit� Waiver Per Waiver A��lication $250.00
<br />XT�� � = Fal�e Alarm Fees < ' �
<br />� �.�..�.��:�:.. ° � �
<br />�. ��. .x .,..
<br />,
<br />. .....� .. . . , ,. ..., .<,....,- . ,....:. . ...,. . �
<br />False Alarm � First three alarms No charge + letter �
<br />False Alarrz�► ___ Four thro�zgh fifteen alarms $SOAO er alarm _
<br />False Alarm O�er iifteen alarms $1 S 0.00 _ e�r alarm �__�
<br />�, � ,_ ,- -
<br />� Invest�gation Fees �� ��' ��� : � _:�
<br />�
<br />� .� . , . ..
<br />.
<br />, . . ., ..
<br />:_� ,�-� ..
<br />�:. . �� .,- _..,:. �
<br />.,.. ���., .� _.:._. . �_ � _ ._. . _
<br />_,
<br />Tobacco, Liquor, Charitable $150.00
<br />Gann�blin , & Solicitor's Permits
<br />Page 9 of 11
<br />