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With Changes in parenthesis <br />Grading Fee - 50 cubic yards or Staff costs for reviewing grading No charge <br />less �lans and conducting ins ections <br />-------------- - ------- - — — _--_____�. � __....�. _.__ <br />Grading Fee - 51 to 100 cubic StafFcosts for reviewing grading $3p.0� <br />_yards lans and conductin ins �ctions _ _.__. _ <br />Grading Fee - l0I to 1,000 c�tbic Staff cosis for reviewing grading $50.40 <br />ards lans and conductin ins ections <br />Grading Fee -1,001 to 10,00� Staff costs for reviewing grading $75A0 <br />cubic yards lans and conductin ins ectians <br />Grading Fee -10,001 or znore Staff costs for reviewing grading $75.00 for frst 10,00Q cubic <br />cubic yards plans and conducting inspectians yards -� $30.00 each additional <br />10,400 cubic yards, or faction <br />i thereof + additiona! plan review <br />Ifee of $SQ per hour {minirnum <br />� charrge of half l�our} <br />Appeai of Administrative Cost of staff time to prepara $100A� <br />Zoning, Sign, ar Subdivision appeal infozmation <br />Decisions <br />����� � = = ; � .-� � , <br />''V�II : U'tElify Hookup Charges ' f ` � <br />� „ <br />., ����. a�,:� � . -„ ...; .. , . . ;. ` . r _ �. <br />��,. . ..,_.� ._. ._.s: . .�_...- <br />Water Permits - Service Per inspection $38 pU �m. m� <br />Installation/RepairslAlteration � ��_ <br />Water Pe�nnnits - �nterior $38.00 <br />Plumbing, New Homa <br />Water Connection Fee, New $83.00 <br />Water Turn On/Off, Tem or � $38AQ mm .� <br />Water Permanent Disconnect $205 AO <br />Curb Box and Service Lead, 1" � � �$�55.00 � <br />Service Connection on <br />Unsur�aced Street � <br />Restorat�on of Typical Road Mix ;� � ���m���� �mmmm$ I OD.QO �� m�.����^m <br />Street ; <br />Restoration of Higher-Type � Set by Engineer <br />Street <br />Larger than 1" Service Set by Inspector <br />Connectian <br />_.__.__......._........_______.._.._.___._....._.._..........__........_.__.__.._._...---_.—_..__.....__...__.__....__..- --.._._...--------- <br />Water Permits - Plan Check Fee Set by Ins ector <br />Water Permits - Re-ins ection $38.00 <br />Water Permits - State Surcharge ��� ���mmmmm��mm�m��m�m.�m ���-.0005 x Project Value or $O.SQ, <br />whichever is reater <br />Waier Meter/Spacer Charges - � Fee includes removal of ineter, $130.00 <br />Custonner Requested Water � bench test at maintenance <br />Meter Accuracy Test � facility, and returni�cg meter to <br />residence; Fee wi[1 not be applied <br />if the meter is found to be <br />inaccurate to a degree exceeding <br />three percent (3%} from the <br />result of the bench test <br />(Residential} ($1O5A0) <br />(Commercial) ($15Q.00 <br />Page 6 of I 1 <br />