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3. Upan cornpletian of ##�e Project, the City will prepare a#inal payment rec�ues# in <br />accordanc� ►tvith tl�e ierms of this agreemen#. MNDOT will re�iew and certify the <br />final payment requesi with a fi�al a�dit_ <br />4. No mare than 9�% of the reimburs�rr�ent due ur�der this agreement will b� paid <br />until completion of the �inal audit and a�pro�al by MNDOT's autharized <br />represer�ta#i�e. <br />5. If Mr�/D4T does not obtain fur�ding from #he FHWA or other funding source, ar <br />funding cannot be contfnuec! at a st�#ficier�t le�e! io aElow for the pracessing of the <br />federal aid reimbursement requests, the City may contin�e ihe work with local <br />funds only, until such tirne as MnIDOT is abie to process the federal aid <br />reimb�rs�ment requests. <br />D. AU�HORITY. Mn/DOT rr�ay w�thhoid federai funds, if MnIDOT or the �HVIIA <br />determines that th� Praject was not completed in compliance with #ederai <br />requireme�ts. <br />E. INSPECTION. MnIDOT, the FHWA, a� duly authorized representati�es of the <br />staie and fed�ra! ga�ernrnent wi!! ha�e the righ# to audit, evaluate and r�toni#ar <br />t�e work pe�#ormed under �his agreement_ The City wil� r�ake a�ailable a!1 boo�Cs, <br />records, and documents pe�tainEng t4 the wark hereund�r, for a mir�irnum of <br />seven years following ihe closi�g of #he co�struction contract. <br />111_ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. Eacf� au##�orized representati�e wili have <br />responsibiiity to admir�ister this agreement and to ensure tha# afl payme�ts due to the <br />other party are paid pursuant to the terms of this agreetnent. <br />A_ The City authorized representative is Michel�e Olson, Parks anc! Recreation <br />Manage�, City of Arder� Hills, '[245 W. Highway 96, Arden Hills, Minnesota <br />55i 12, or her successor. <br />B. MnIDOT's authorized represeRtati�� is Lynne#te Rosneii, Mir�nesota Departmen# <br />of Trartsportation, State Air� #or Local T�anspa�tation, 395 Joh� Ire�and <br />Boule�ard, Mail Stop 500, St Pau�, MN 55155, phone 65'f-366-3822, or her <br />successor. <br />1V. TORT �.iAB#L�TY. Each party is responsible for i#s own acts and omissfons at�d the <br />res�its thereaf to the exte�t authorized by faw and wil! not be resPonsible for the acts <br />and omissions of any others and the results thereof. T�e Minneso#a Tor� Claims Act, <br />Minneso#a Statu#es Seciion 3.736, go�err�s MnIDOT GabElity. <br />V. ASStGNMENT. Nei#her party wilt assign or #ransfer any rights or obliga#ions under th�s <br />agreernent withou� prior writte� approval of #he oiher party_ <br />VE. AMENDMENTS. Any arnendmentslsu�piernents to this Agreerrter�t must be fn writing <br />and be executed by the same parties who executed the original agreement, or their <br />successors in offce_ <br />Vil. TERM OF AG�2EEMENT. TF�is agreement will be effective upon execution by #he City <br />and by apprapriate State officials, pursua�� io Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, and <br />wiEl rernain in effect for f�e (5) years frorr� the efFecti�e date or unti! ali obiigations sei <br />iMn/DOT Agrzement Mo. 98030} <br />Page 6 <br />