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As ofi Q�IQ7148 <br />1.4 "City-designated recyclables" or "Recytlable materials" or "RecyClables" <br />The fallowing recyc�able rr�aterials: aluminum cans; steel eans= milk cartons, aseptic <br />pac[caging, gable top packages, juice boxes, gfass jars and bottles; paper recyclables; p�as�ic <br />bott[es; t@Xtl�ES; a�d corr�gaied cardboard as defr�ed and furth�r tiescribed in the "City's <br />annuai recycling public eciucation flyer". This �ist of recyclaf�le materials can be amendec� <br />thraugh negfltiation beiwe�rt the City and its Cor�tractor at any time within th� duration of the <br />contract terrn_ Such negotiatians must be reduced to a vtirrit�en amendment to this Agreer►�tent <br />and duly executed E�efore it shafl go into effeci. <br />1.5 "Collec�ion" <br />The aggregation and frans�ortation o� reeyclable materials from the place at wf�ich it is <br />gerterated and ineludes ai� acfivities up to the tirne when it is delivered to a recycling facility. <br />X.G "Contractor" <br />The City's recycling service Contraetor �r�der the new eontract b�g€nr�ing operation ar� March, <br />� , 2D0$. <br />1.7 "Carrugated cardhaard" <br />Carcfhoard material with dou�le watl eonstruction and corrugated separation betweer� walls <br />but not plastic, wax a� other coated card�oard. <br />1. S "Curbside recycling bins" <br />Ur�iform curbside recycling bins �e.g., green, plastie recyciing "tubs") suppl�ed by the City €n <br />which recyclables ca� be stored and later placed for curbside collectiort, as specified by the <br />Gity. The recycfir�g corttai�ers remain th� �roperty of the property awner_ <br />1.9 "Curbside recycling senric�" <br />The recycling callection service, together with refateci public education and other custamer <br />services, specified within the Septem�e� 24, zaa7, RFP uti�izir�g curE�sicie recycfing bins. <br />N{ulti-famify dwelEings rnay receive cur�side recycling service as selectec� by the Gity and the <br />Gontractor. <br />�.iQ "Glass jars and bottles" <br />Glass jars, bottles, and con#ainers {fidslcaps anc� pur�ps remo�ed) that are pr�mari�y �sed #or <br />packir�g and bott{ing of food and beverages. <br />1.i1 "Market demand" <br />The eco�or�ic a�d techr�ical capacity of �arkets to use reeyclabEe �raterial ta make �ew <br />�roducts. <br />�.12 "Markets" <br />Any person or campany that buys (or charges) for recycling of specified mate�ials and may <br />include, but are not [imited to. end-markets, interrrtediate processars, brokers and other <br />recycfing rnateria! redaim�rs. <br />4 <br />