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� <br />EN HILLS <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2010-070 <br />ORDER TO ABATE NUISANCE <br />192G STQWE AVENUE <br />WHEREAS, Rebecca and John Allen are the owriers of the property {"Owners") located <br />at 1926 Stowe Ave. ("Property") which is legally described as follows: <br />Perry Addition Iots 1 and lot 2, block 1 <br />PID:333023310013 <br />WHEREAS, on November 8, 2010 the City of Arden Hills sent a Violation Notice to the <br />Praperty owner indicating that a dead tree on the Praperty was a nuisance which needed to be <br />removed; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Owners did not respond to the Violation No�ice ar oiherwise remove <br />the dead tree; and, <br />WHEREAS, on the 15t day af December, 2010, the City o� Arden Hills sent a Notice of <br />Cauncil Hearing ta the Owners which indicated the day, time and place of the Council Hearing <br />at whzch the Aarden Hills City Council would cansider an Ordex to remove the dead tree; and, <br />WHEREAS, on December 13, 2010, the City Council conducted a hearing; considered <br />the comments made by parties who vc�ished to be heard; and determined, based upon the evidence <br />presented, that the dead tree on ihe Property was a nuisance as defined by Arden Hills City <br />Regulations. <br />NOW, THEREF4RE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ARDEN HILLS CITY <br />COLTNCIL orders the removal of the d�ad tree on the Property within tvvent� {20) days of the <br />service of this Order to Abate as pravided by law, unless within such time, the Property owr�er <br />appeals the Order of the City Co�ncil by filing a Notice of Appeal with the CIerk of the District <br />Court for the Second Judicial District; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Owner fails to abate the nuisance ox file a <br />Notice of Appeal as provided abave, the City Administrator shall cause the dead tree to be <br />removed from the Propert� and all cost incurred by the City, as specified in the Affidavii of Cost <br />incurred aare hereby assessed against the Property to be collected with the real estate taxes in the <br />year in which this Resolution is recorded; and <br />