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Warren £, Petesson <br />1erome P. �'ilfa <br />Aanie! Witt �ram <br />Glean A. 8ergman <br />john htichael Mil[er <br />Michaei T. oberle <br />Steven i-1. Bru�' <br />Paul W. �ahning• <br />Sonja iL Ortiz <br />Ben 1. Rust <br />�onathan it_ Cuskey <br />Tracy 1. �lalliday <br />�ared M. Goe�liEz <br />Dan M. �affek' <br />� � <br />� � � � � <br />P R 0 F E 5 5 I 0� A L A 5 S 0 C f A T I 0 � <br />December 6, 20 i 0 <br />Patrick IClaers <br />City Adanitiistrator <br />City of Arden Hi[ls <br />1245 West Highway 95 <br />Arden Hilts, MN 55112 <br />Re: Tobacco Praducts <br />Pat: <br />Suite 800 <br />55 Fast Fifth Street <br />St Paul, iVfN 55101-17i8 <br />(6511291-8955 <br />16511 22&I?53 facsimile <br />$ <br />(651}294-b907 <br />' II .com <br />VIA EMAIL <br />The City has the autho�ity to regulate #�e sa�e of tobacco prod�xcts (MS 461.12} and can <br />adopt regulations that are more restrictive than �taie Law {Ni� �4b1.i5}. T[ie City's <br />Regulations are contained in Chapter 350 of #he City Code. <br />Tt�e City has ado}�ted an escalating �e andlar suspension at�d r�voca#ion sc�edule {City <br />Code Sectio� 35n.11} which provicies far an adcninistrative fine of $140 for t�e first <br />violatian within a twefve month period and an administra#ive fine o£ $S00 for a secand <br />viala#ion in the same twelve month period_ <br />I 4�ve r�viewed Ra�nsey �ou�ty Sheriff repor�s re�a�ir�g to the saie vi �obacco produc#s to <br />tn�nors ciccurr;ng a# Arden Hil�s Tobacco, 3fi13 Lexin�on Avenue, Arden Hilis, <br />Minnesota. In iny opin€on th� City could prove that two viola#ians }�ave occurred within <br />a twe�ve month period. Privr to imposing an adcni�istrarive fine the Ciiy needs ta <br />cond�at a hearing (City Code Sectian 350.12). The licensee shouid reeeive a reasonabie <br />notice of the hear�ng date and time, and be provided the oppoz�nity to address the City <br />Council at the hearing. I wauld recomm�nd that the licensee be given a seven day notice <br />af the t�earing- <br />The City Co�ncil can only suspend the license if there are three vialations within a <br />iwelve manth period and reva�Ce the license if there are four vialations within a twelve <br />month periad. <br />If you have any questions, p[ease contaet me. <br />JPFlmlh <br />Very tr�y yours, <br />J r e . Filla <br />'AL50 ADMfiTE� iN WISCONS�N <br />