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..... . ...... .. <br /> -There has been discussion about the Fire Department responding to many more <br /> medical calls when the duty crews are in place. When will this issue be <br /> addressed? This could have an impact on the workload of the Sheriff's <br /> Department. <br /> All of our firefighters are medically trained, about 90a of them are trained <br /> to the EMT level or above, the rest are 13t responders. <br /> All of our trucks carry a good assortment of medical equipment. <br /> Beginning 1/1/10 we will begin to respond to all medical call during the <br /> hours that we have staffed stations. So in January our daytime duty crew and <br /> FT staff will respond on medical calls as well as fire calls without paging <br /> out any stations. <br /> We believe that we can provide significant support to Allina and the Sheriffs <br /> department with a fast response. This may allow flexibility to the Sheriff's <br /> department by not having their squads tied up on medical calls as long and <br /> they can be available to take other calls. <br /> This is very similar to our response to accident with injury calls, our job <br /> can involve patient care, packaging, extrication, roadway clean up, & traffic <br /> control. We work in concert with the Sheriff' s department and Paramedics. <br /> our crews assist in patient care and clearing the roadway faster so all units <br /> can clear the scene. <br /> Please let me know if you have any other questions. <br /> Tim Boehlke <br /> Fire Chief <br />