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City of Arden Hills Chapter 13 Zoning Code <br />6.Franchise architecture identified with a particular chain shall be <br />discouraged unless it is architecturally integrated into the district and <br />conforms to these design standards. <br />7.Entrances shall have convenient access to the street frontage and to <br />parking serving the use. For those properties along County Road E, <br />access to the street frontage shall be given priority where feasible. <br />F.Commercial Façade Transparency. <br />1.Fifty percent (50%) of the first level façade that includes the <br />primary store entrance and/or faces a public street shall be made of <br />transparent windows and doors that are recessed at least one inch <br />rather than being flush with the façade. If the building is a one story <br />design and the first floor elevation exceeds twelve (12) feet, then only <br />the first twelve (12) feet shall be included in calculating the façade <br />area. <br />2.At least twenty percent (20%) of the remaining sides that are <br />reasonably visible to the public shall be window coverage, half of <br />which may be simulated windows (i.e. spandrel glass). If additional <br />transparent glass is used on the remaining sides, the City may consider <br />a proportional reduction in the transparent window and door <br />requirement on the primary store entrance and/or public street façades: <br />3. For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow <br />windows (e.g. cooler or freezer areas, mechanical rooms, security <br />areas, storage areas) the transparent window standards may be reduced <br />at the discretion of the City Council. However, the architectural <br />detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows, which <br />may include the partial use of simulated windows, or architectural <br />detailing that provides arches, patterning, recesses, and shadowing that <br />provide aesthetic interest. Architectural detailing may include such <br />things as change in materials, change in color and other significant <br />visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the <br />size, mass, and scale of the wall. <br />G.Building Color. Colors shall be harmonious. Building colors shall <br />consist of muted colors with low reflectance. Recommended colors <br />include browns, grays, tans, beiges, and dark or muted green, blues, and <br />reds. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors may be used <br />for only accent purposes occupying a maximum of five percent (5%) of <br />building façades. <br />H.Fences. Fences shall blend into the landscape, be compatible with <br />other materials used on site, and be made of a material that minimizes <br />Section 1325 – General Regulations <br />Adopted: November 13, 2006 <br />Page 23 of 53 <br /> <br />