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It is anticipated that there will be some private utility conflicts with the location of the trail on either side, <br />primarily the conflicts will be with existing power poles that run along both sides of Old Snelling <br />Avenue and Old Highway 10. These conflicts will need to be identified during final design and the <br />owner of the utilities will be required to relocate to accommodate trail construction. <br />There are a number of future trail connections that are anticipated along this corridor. Future trails <br />would connect from the west side of Old Snelling Avenue and Old Highway 10 at State Highway 51, <br />County Road E, Lake Valentine Road, Parkshore Drive, and County Road 96, as well as the Safe Routes <br />to School trail located at County Road E2 that is scheduled to be built in 2009. Future trail connections <br />will be made coming from the east to Old Snelling Avenue and Old Highway 10 at County Road E and <br />County Road 96. <br />There are a few areas along the corridor that would best accommodate pedestrians crossing the roadway <br />to use the trail. One of those locations is at the intersection of County Road E, and the other is located at <br />the intersection of Bethel Drive. <br />Old Snelling Avenue / Old Highway 10 Trail Study, City of Arden Hills <br />BMI Project No. T16.100325 Page 6 <br />