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Dear Mayor Marpstead, <br />This e-mail is to ad�ise you that I ha�e decided #o resign from the P7RC, effecfive immediatefy. I informed <br />Chairman HEnry of th9s decision an Saturday while we were both participating in the Buckthorn remo�al day <br />fes#i�ities. Although I am sure fhai some members pf the Cpuncil will breathe a sigE� of relief and say "at <br />last," ! have always felt that you have appreciated the work of the commitfee and recagnized that the PTRC <br />has sincereiy attempted to ad�ocate strongly for the deveEopment of an park and frai[ 5ystem tha# would <br />enhance fhe well being of the citizens and ultirnatefy alEow citizens to use the trails to "get somewhere" in a <br />safe and effecti�e manner. <br />There are se�eral reasons that I ha�e decidec! #o resign now. Since I ha�e been a member of the committee <br />langer than any other current member other than Rich Strauman, I feel ohligated to explain to you some of <br />these reasoRs. Ho�efully, they will help you to recruit others who will be more successful than I have been <br />as a member of the committee. <br />First, since becoming a member of the committee, if has attempted to ad�ocaie a iong-term vision for the <br />de�elopment of an effective trail and park system. f was an the committee when it was told tp work wi#h a <br />consultanf to put together in one document a long term plan in ane comprehensive document. We did so. <br />We recognized at the fime that the plan would fake at least twenty years to implement, that it would require <br />changes, and thaf it was a work in progress. 7he Council adopted the pfan. In order to demonstrate the <br />committee's commitment to the plan, the committee deci[Eed to immediate3y recommend ta the Council that <br />it authorize spending approximately $35,000 of PTRC funds for Park signs. When we presented our idea to <br />ti�e Council, E hqnes#ly expected that it would easily pass. E was mi5taken. Rather, tE�e Council members <br />asked questions like: 1. "What are the sign5 going to be made of?" and 2. "Where are you going to put the <br />sign in Perry Park?° It became ob�ious that ihe Council felt that it had to micro-manage even to the extent <br />of use of a retatively small amount of una[located park reserve funcEs. From my �iew, while members of the <br />Council ha�e changed, it still lacks a Eong term �ision in how it operates. <br />Second, the Council has de�eloped an adversarial attitude toward the PTRC. Perhaps the comrnittee is <br />part9ally to blame for the le�el to which it has developed. But, from my view, the principal cause is that the <br />Council will not lead and is highiy offended by the concept of the PTRCs attempts to push the Council to <br />act. Unfortunately, I have heard way to ofEen words to ihe effecf: "Until I know what the public �s fhinking, I <br />am not going to take a position." Most often, that means that there is a reluctance tp do anything, or ta <br />spend any money, for fear that i# might mean that one might not get reelected. I can give an example. <br />When Hwy 96 was being redone, the PTRC recognized that it would provide an oppartunity to put an <br />underpass under the highway io connect the developed part of Arden Hills with the City Hall and witf� the <br />new development which is being planned at TCAAP. The committee learned ihat no such underpass had <br />been planned. It immediately recommended that such a development be undertaken. The Council rejected <br />that recommendation. Most important to the process, howe�er, was the fact that then Council liaison ta the <br />commitiee did not discfose at the commiitee meeting any disagreement but at the Council meeting spoke <br />agains# the recommendation. Such conduci has caused both Council and commiitee to question the others <br />motives. <br />Third, f believe that many of the long term plans are already in place. In fact, the committee has had them in <br />pface for some time. From my viewpoint, however, �ir#ually nothing significant has been accomplished. <br />lJntil the Council makes a true commitment to implement those pEans, nothing is going to happen. I tEo not <br />believe that I ha�e any#hing else to offer. Af#er the last meeting of the corr�mi#iee, the Council liaison said <br />something like: "I gi�e up, ypu guys will never be safisfied." i believe, as I think everyone else on t�e <br />commiftee bel�e�es, that the committes should not be satisfied unti] the Long Term PTRG Pian the Council <br />adopted is actually implemented. Unfortunately, I have reached the conclusion that if passionate ad�ocacy is <br />viewed as an impediment to its implementation, then it is time for rne to resign. <br />Finally, I hope that it goes without saying, fhat it has been my pleasure to work with staff, most recently <br />Michelle Olson. Her position is truly a diificult one. In fact, she is a decficafed and loyal empfayee who tries <br />�ery hard ta meet the needs of the citizens af Arden Nills. <br />8incerely, <br />Jim Crassweller <br />