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souiherly on aforesaid line to a point 230 feet south of ihe southerly <br />line of said Rai�way and said centerline theare terminating. <br />{4} All that part of that certain Utility Easement described in Dacument <br />No. 2479184, Ramsey County Records. Located within Lot 1, Biock <br />3, Nartheasi Corner Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />WHEREAS, all of the above-referenced easements and dedications are h�r�inafter <br />coll�ctively referred to as tk�e "Easements"; and <br />WHEREAS, the Axden Hills City Council has determined that it is in the public's <br />int�rest to vacate the Easements. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE�OLVED, �liat the Arden Hills City Council <br />hereby vacates the public's interest in the Easements and directs the City A�ninistrator <br />to file a c�rtified copy of this Resolution wiih the Ramsey County, Minnesota Recorder; <br />and be it further resolved that Arden Hills Resolution #08-016 is hereby rescinded. <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Dated: <br />: <br />Stanley D. Harpsted <br />Its; Mayor <br />ATTESTED BY: <br />Ronaid J. Moorse <br />City Administrator <br />F:lusersl3essicaVerrylArden I�iI1slResolution Re roadways.v5.doc <br />