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�i � EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: October 27, 2008 <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FR4M: Ran Moorse, City Administra�or � <br />SUSJECT: Ramsey Co�nty Consolidated is�atch Cen�ter Update <br />At the xnonihly Sheriff's police service group zneeting on Qctober 23, a brief report regarding the <br />consolidated dispatch center was provided. The RNC was a good test of the dispatch center's <br />ability to aperate under emergency c�n.ditions. The dispatch center operated very well during the <br />RNC. In terms of day-to-day operations, there continue to be training issues related to new <br />employees. To address training issues, the back-up dispatch center is regularly being used for <br />traaning of new �mployees. The Sheriff is loolcing f�rward to the results af the independent <br />study regarding the staffing of the dispatch center. <br />11Evletrn-inetlardenhillslAdminlCity AdministratorlGeneral documentslTZCA'slagenda Memo_consol dispatch 1 D-27-08.doc <br />