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4C Minor Subdivision, Lot Consolidation, and Rezoning for a City Owned Parcel, PID #22 30 23 42 0007, and 1330 Indian Oaks Circle
City Council
City Council Packets
4C Minor Subdivision, Lot Consolidation, and Rezoning for a City Owned Parcel, PID #22 30 23 42 0007, and 1330 Indian Oaks Circle
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/24/2024 9:42:34 AM
Creation date
2/9/2011 4:22:01 PM
8/25/2008 Council Regular
General - Type
8/25/2008 Council Regular
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EXHiBYT A <br />To <br />Settlement Agreeunent <br />That part af the South 3Q Acres of the North 44 Acres af tkxe West Half {W %x } of the Souttteast <br />Quarter (SE'/4 } of Section 22, T3UN, R23W, EXCEPT fihe West 75 feet of the SW �/4 af the SE <br />'/4 of said Section 22, all of which lies Northwesterly of �he Southeasterly Right-af Way of <br />vacated State Trunk Highway No. 51 and Soutt�erly, Southeasterly, and Southwesterly of the <br />fallowing described line: Begiruung at a point on the V4�est liri� of the Southeast Quarter (SE i/a } <br />of Section 22, T30N, R23W {said West line asswned as bearing S 0° 09'38"E) distant 1217.91 <br />feet Southerly of a cast iron monumen� at the NW cocner of said SE %4 ; thence N 89°50'22"E 33 <br />feet to a point on the Easter�y iine of Hamline Avenue; thence S84°24'32"E 272.I0 feet; tlzence <br />N40°33'E 305 feet; thence S37°37'S8"E 53 feet, more or less, #o a point on the Southeaster�y <br />Right-of Way line af said vacated State Trunk Highway No. 51, and there terminating. Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, described as follaws: <br />Commencing at �he Southwest comer of Lot 5, Block I, ARDEN LAKE KNOLL, <br />according to the reeorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence South <br />84 de�ees 24 rninutes 32 seeonds East alpng the South line af said Lot S, a <br />distance of 33.45 feet to the Pvint of Beginning of the lar�d to be described; thence <br />South 0 degrees 48 minntes �L9 seconds East, a distance of 17.54 feet; thence <br />North 89 degrees 00 �ninutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 28.38 feet; thence <br />North 87 degrees 57 aninutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 35.$'i feet; thence <br />North $6 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of 25.24 feet; thence <br />North 4 degrees 38 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 5.b4 feet to said South <br />line of Lot 5; thence North 84 degrees 24 minutes 32 seconds West aiong said <br />Sonth line of Lat 5, a distance af 9Q.04 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Al� located in Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />F:IusersUGHNIah - misoli330 IOlsettlement docslExhibit A to SA.doc <br />
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