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EKHIBIT A <br />to <br />Limited Warranty Deed <br />That part of the Sa�th 3D Acres of t�e North 44 Acres of the West Half (W %2 ) of the Sautheast <br />Quarter (SE %, } of Section Z2, T34N, R23W, EXCEPT the West 75 fcet oithe SW % of the SE <br />%s af said Sec�,vn 22, all af which lies Norti►westerly o£ the Southeasterly Right-of-Way of <br />vacated State Tn�n1c Highway No. 51 and Southerly, Southeasterly, and Southw�sterly of the <br />following described line: Beginning a# a point on the West line of the Southeast Quarter (SE �/ ) <br />vf Seetion 22, T30N, R23Vi� {said West line assumed as bearing S 0° 09'38"E) distant 1217.91 <br />feet Southerly af a cast iron monument at the NW comer of said SE %. ; thence N 89°50'22"E 33 <br />feet to a point on the Easter�y line of Ha�nline Avenue; �ence S$4°2�'32"E 272.10 feet; �en�e <br />N40°33'E 3U5 feet; thence S37°37'S8"E 53 feet, more or less, to a paint on the Southeasterly <br />Right-of-Way line of said vacated State Tnm�c Highway Na. 51, and there terminating. Racnsey <br />County, Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Commencmg at the Southwest comer of Lot 5, Block I, ARDEN LAKE KNOLL, <br />according to the recorded plat thereof, Ra�nsey County, Minnesota; thence South; <br />84 degrees 24 minutes 32 secands F.ast alang the Sauth line of said Lot 5, a <br />c�istar�ce of 33.45 feet to the Point af Beginning of the land to be described; thence <br />South 0 degrees 48 minutes �49 seconds East, a distance af 17.54 feet; thence <br />North 89 degrees 00 minutes 52 seco�ds East, a distance of 28.38 feet; thence <br />North 87 degrees 57 rr�inutes 29 seconds East, a distauce of 35.87 feet; thenc� <br />North 86 degrees 49 minutes �2 seconds East, a distance af 25.24 feet; theRce <br />North 0 degrees 38 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 5.6� feet to said South <br />lino of I.ot S; thence North $4 degrees 24 �inutes 32 seconds West along said <br />South line of Lot S, a distaace of 90.04 feet to the Point of Beginning, <br />F:IusersUDHNIah - miscU 334 IOlrtcttlernvnt docslPrvposed LegaI Descr..doc <br />