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including the use of interim, short term �nancing, subject to reimbursement from the proceeds of <br />the Note if and vcrhen delivered but otherwise without liability on the part of the Ciiy. <br />3.5 ualified Tax Exem t Qbli ation. In order to qualify tlie Note as a"qualified <br />ta�-exempt obligation" vv�thin the meaning of Section 265(b){3) of the Internal Revenue Code of <br />198b, as amended (the "Code"), the Ciiy hereby makes the following factual statements and <br />representations; <br />(a} the Note is not treated as a"private activiry bond" under Section 265{b)(3) <br />of the Code; <br />(b) the Cxty hereby designates the Note as a qualifi�d tax-exempt obligation <br />for purposes of Section 265(b}(3) of the Code; <br />(c) the reasonably aniicipated amount oi tax-exempt obligations {oiher ti�an <br />obligations described in clause (ii) of Seciion 265(l�)(3)(C) of the Code} which will be <br />issued by the City {and all entities whose obligations will be aggregated with those of the <br />City) during the calendar year 2008 will not e�ceed $10,000,000; and <br />(d) not more than $10,400,000 of obligations issued by the City during the <br />calendar year 2008 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. <br />3.6 Note A roval. The approval of the issuanca o�'the Note and the execuiion of the <br />related dact�ments are subject to the approval of the Project by ihe Depariment of Employment <br />and Economic Developrnent and sha�l be effective until December 31, 2008. <br />2210974v2 $ <br />