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including the Project, and do not and will not result in the creatian or irriposition of any lien, <br />charge or e�xcumbrance af any nature upon any of the property or assets of the Borrower conirary <br />to the �erms of any instrument or agreement to which the Borrower is a party or by which ii is <br />bound; <br />(5) As of the daie hereof, the use of the Proj ect as designed and ta be operaied <br />compli�s, in all material respects, wiih a11 presently applicable development, pai�ution control, <br />water conservation and oiher law�, regulat�ons, ru�es and ordinances of the �ederal governrnent <br />and the State of Minnesoia and the respective agencies thereof and the political subdi�risions in <br />vvhich the Project i� located, unless (a) the Borrower has received a permit or variance allowing <br />such non-campliance; (b) such no�-compliance exists priar to the ez�actment or adoption of such <br />law, ordinance rule or regulation, or (c) the same is being diligently contested by the Borrower in <br />good faiih and by proper proceedings. The Borrower has obtained, ar will obtain in a timely <br />manner, all necessary ar�d material approvals of and licenses, pernuts, cansents and franchises <br />from fec�eral, staie, county, nnunicipal or other governmental authorities having jurisdiction aver <br />the Project to operate the Project and to enter into, execute and perform its obligations undez- #his <br />Agreernent and the Mortgage; and no violation of arry local ordinance, laws, regulation or <br />requirement exists with respect to the Land; <br />(b) The praceeds of the Note, together with any other funds to be contributed <br />to the Projeci by the Borrower or atl�erwise in accordance with this Agreement, will be sufficient <br />to pay the cost of the Project in a manner suitable for use as a ot'fice facility, and aIl costs and <br />expenses incidentai thereto, and the proce�c�s of ihe Note will be used only far the purposes <br />contemplated hereby and allowable under the Act; <br />(7) Comparable private financing for the Project was not foun.d by the <br />Borrawer to be reasonably available, and the Paroject is econornically mare feasible wiih the <br />availability of the financing herein authorized; <br />{8} The Borrower is not in the t�ade or business of selling properties such as <br />the Project and is undertaking the �roject far investment pu�pases only or a#herwise for use by <br />the Borrower in its trade or business, and therefore ihe Barrower has no intention now or in the <br />foreseeable future to voluntarily sell, surrender or otherwise transfer, in whole or part, its interest <br />in the Project; <br />(9) There are no actions, suits, or proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of <br />the Borrower, threatened against ar affecting the Borrower or any property of the Barrower in <br />any court or befare any federal, siate, municipal or other governmental agency, which, if c�ecided <br />adversely to the Borrower would have a mater�al adverse effect upon the Borrower or upon the <br />business or properties of the Borrower; arad the Borrower is nat in default with respect to any <br />order of ar�y court or governrnental agency; <br />(10) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of ihe principai of or <br />interest on any indebtedness for borrowed money nor in default under any instrument or <br />agreement under and subject to which ar�y indebtedness for borrowed rnoney has been issued; <br />2208845v4 '% <br />