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_ _ . .. <br />Subsection. So long as an independent consultant shall be employed ar�d the Borrower accepts <br />and follows the recommendations of the independent consultan� or such alternate <br />recommendations of ihe Board of Directors of the Borrower, the Borrower shall be deemed to be <br />in cornplianee wiih ihe covenants pravided in this Subsection with respect to the fiscal yeaz in <br />�vhich the Debi Service Cave�rage Ratio was Iess than 1.00 {the "Noncomp�iant Fiscal Year}. <br />Thereafter, the Borrovver will maintain a Debt Service Caverage Ratio of at leas� 1.00 for each <br />Fiscal Year following the Noncompliant Fiscal Year, and the Borrower shaIl not be deemed to be <br />in compliance with the covenants contained in thiis Subsection if the Borrower retains an <br />independent consultant as described herein. <br />Section 4.10 Access. The Borrower grants to the Lender and to the Lender's agents <br />access to the Project at any reasonabl� time during normal business haurs in arder to inspect the <br />Project and the Borrower's other property. <br />Section 4.11 Access to Books and Ins ection. The Borrower shall keep proper books <br />of record ar�d accounts with respect io the use and operation of the Project, and, subject to any <br />privacy laws applicabie io Borrower, upon request of the Lender, provide any duly authorized <br />representative af the Lender access durira.g normal business haurs to, and perm'rt such <br />representative to examine, copy or make exiracts from, or audit any and all books, recort�s and <br />docurnents relating to the Projec#, the Borrower's affairs and to inspect any of its facilities and <br />properties. (The Lender shall be permitted to disclose the in#'ormation conta�ned therein io iis <br />legal counsel, its independent public accountants, any participating lenders, or in connection with <br />any action to collect any indebtedness of the Bozxower or io enforce this Agreemeni and the <br />documents related hereto, or as othenvise permittec� or required by law). <br />Section 4.12 Il2S Audit Ex�enses. The Borrower agrees to pay any reasonable costs <br />incurred by th� City as a result of the City's compliance wiih an audit, random or otherwise, by <br />the Internal Re�renue Service or the Minnesota Department of Revenue with respect to the Nate <br />ar the Project. <br />Sectian 4.13 Bank ualification. The Borrower agrees to pay to the Ciiy the amount <br />required to reirz�burse the Ciry for loss o� "bank qualification" for any Unqualified Bonds i�s�ed <br />in 2008 (re�erred to as the "Reimbursement Amount"}. The tern� "Unqualified Bands" means <br />bonds issued by ihe City {excluding "qualified 501(c){3) bonds" as defined in Section I45 of the <br />Code) which would have been eligible for bank quali�ication had the Note not been issued. The <br />Reirnbursement Amount shall be calculated as follovc�s: (i) the present value of the to�al debt <br />service payable on the Unqualified Bonds ta th�ir stated maturiiy dates, less (ii) the present vatue <br />af the total debt service that would have been payable on the Unqualified Bonds to their stated <br />maturity dates if the Unqualified Bonds had been "qualified tax-exemipt obligatians" far the <br />purposes of Section 265(b}(3) of the Code. For the purposes of this paragraph, present vaiue will <br />be calculated using ihe assum�d yield described in c�ause {ii}, which yield wi11 be dete�nined by <br />an independent financial advisor {mutually agreed upon by the City and the Borrower) based on <br />the best availabie market evid�nce as of the date of acceptance of the bid or praposal frorn the <br />purchaser of the Unqualified Bands. The Reimbursement Am.ount for any Unqualif ed Bonds <br />shall be payable within 15 days a.fter Borrower's receipt from the City of written notice as io the <br />a�nount calculated by the City's f nancial advisor. All fees zncurred by the Cify with respect to <br />the calculation of the R�irnburse�x�.ent Amount and the collection of amourits due with respect <br />2208845v4 1 � <br />