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_ ___ _ .. <br />Section 3.5 Section 6.S <br />Section 4.1 5ection 7.6 <br />Section 4.3 Section 7.7 <br />Section 4.12 Section 7.8 <br />Section 4.13 <br />Upon any such assignment, the provisions irn�ediately above rul�ning to the Ciiy fram the <br />Borrower for the Czty's benefit shall run jointly and severaily to the City and the Lender (if <br />appropriate), provided that the City shall have the righ� to enforce any retained rights without the <br />approval of the Lender but only if the Lender is not enforcing such rights in a manner ta protect <br />the City ar is otherwise taking action with respect thezeto thai br�ngs adverse consequences to the <br />City. The obligations of the Borrower running to the City for the purpose of preserving tl�e tax <br />e�empt status of the Note ox otherwise for the City's benefit under the foregoing Sections shall <br />survive repayment of the Note and inter�st thereon. <br />Section 7.10 Required Approvals. Consents and approvals required by this Agreement <br />to be obtained from the Bozxower, the City or the Lender shall be in writing and shall not be <br />�nreasonably withheld or delayed. <br />Section 7.11 Tez-�xiination U on Retirement of Noie. At any time when no principal <br />balance on the No�e re�nains out�tanding, azid arrangements satisfactory ta the Lender and the <br />City have b�en made for the discharge of all other accrued Iiabilities, if any, under this Loan <br />Agreernent, this Loan Agreement shall terminate, except as otherwise expressly provided in <br />Section 7.9 or otherwise herein. <br />Seciion 7.12 Ex enses of Lender. The Borrower shall reimburse ihe Lender for any <br />and all costs and e�penses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, paid or incurred by the <br />Lender in connection wiih {i) review, negotiation, preparation, and approval of this Agr�ement <br />and any other document or agreemeni related hereto or there�o or the traxisactions conternplaied <br />hereby; (ii) the review, negotiation, preparation, az�.d approval of any amendmen�s, rnodifications <br />or extensions �o any oi the foregoing doc�unents, instruments or agreer�ents, and the preparation <br />and consununation of a�y and all docurnents necessary or desi�able to effect such amendrr�ents, <br />modifications or extensions; (iii) any appraisals, environmental assessments or other reports <br />relating to the Land which the Lender is authorized to seek, order or prepare pursuant to this <br />Agreemeni ar any other instrument evidencing or securing the Loan or is required to seek, order <br />or prepare pursuant either to applicable laws or regulatians or the Lender's policies or procedures <br />generally applicable to comrnercial mortgage loans by the Lender; (iv) any reasonable fees or <br />costs chaxged to the Lender by an architect or vther �esign �rofessional engaged by the Lender <br />to, ar�ong other things, inspect the construction of any approved i�nprovements to the Land, or <br />verify co�npliance thereof with app�icable building and zaning laws; (v) all title insurance <br />premiums, filing and recarding fees and mortgage registratian #ax paid or payable in coru�cctian <br />with the consumrnatzon of the transaction contemplated hereby; and {vi) the enf'orcement by the <br />Lender during the term hereof or thereafter of any of the rights or remedies of the Lender under <br />any of the foregoing documenis, instr�ments or agreEments or under applicable law, whether or <br />not suit is filed with respect thereto (attorneys fees and costs are Iimited to areasonable fees and <br />costs). <br />2208845v4 �5 <br />