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{h) A public hearing on the Project was he�d August 25, 2008, after notice <br />was pubiished and materials made available for public inspection at the City Ha11, alI as required <br />by ihe Act and Section 147(fj of the Iniernal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), <br />at which publxc hearing all those appearing who desired to speak were heard and w�ritien <br />comments were accepted; and <br />{i) A public hearing on the issuance of the Noie to finance the Proj ect was <br />heid on June 10, 2008 by Roseville, after notice was published, as required by the Code, a� which <br />public hearing al1 those appearing who desired to speak w�re heard and written comments were <br />accepted and on such date Roseville granted host approval as required under the Code for the <br />zssuance of the Note. <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council oi ihe City of Arden Hills, Minneso�a <br />(the "City"), as follows: <br />SECTION l. LEGAL AUTHORIZAT�ON AND FINDINGS. <br />1.1 Findings. The City hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: <br />(a) The City is a body corporaie and politic and a political subdivision of the <br />State of Minnesota and is authorized under the Act to assist t�ie revenu� praducing project <br />hezein referred to, and to issue and sell the Note, as hereinafter defined, for the purpose, <br />in the and upon ihe tea-ms and conditions set forth in ihe Act and 'an this <br />Resolution. <br />(b) The issuance and sale of the Commercial FaciIities Revenue Note, Series <br />2008 (PHM&S Building Project) {the "Note"} by the City, pursuax�.t io the Act, is in the <br />best interest of the City, and the City hereby deterrnines to issue ihe Note and to sell the <br />Note to Universiiy Bank in St. Paul, Minnesota, or anoiher ba�k in Minnesoia (ihe <br />"Lender"), as provided herein. The City will loan the proceeds ai the Note (the "Laan") <br />to the Borrower in order to finance the Projeci. <br />(c) Pursuant to a Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") to be eniered into <br />between the City and the Borrower, the Barrower has agreed to repay the Note in <br />specified amounts and at specified times suff cient to pay in full when due the principal <br />af, premium, if any, and interest on ti1� Note. Tn addition, ihe Loan Agreem�nt contains <br />pzovisions relating to the mainienance ax�d operation of the Project, indemnification, <br />insurance, and other agreements and covenants which are required or permitted by the <br />Act and vcjhich the Ciiy and the Borrower deem necessaxy or desirable far the financing <br />of the Project. A draft of the Loan Agreeznent has been submitted to the City Council. <br />(d) Pursuant to a Pledge Agreement (the "Pledge Agreement") to be eniered <br />into between the City and the Lender, the City has p�edged and granted a security inierest <br />in all af its rights, title, and interest in the Loan Agreement ta the Lendez (except foz <br />certain rights of indemnification and to reimbursement far certain costs and expenses). A <br />draft of the Pledge Agreeixzent has been submitted to the City Council. <br />22 z og�aVz 3 <br />