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2. 'I'Y�e City i�as agreec� ta reducc titc tataI assess�nents �gainst all Flaherty Parcels frarn <br />$3z,414.91 (Original Asse�sr�ent) ta $17,5QO.t�O (Aevised AssessrrEent) and has agreed t� <br />adopt approp�iate res�lutians vahich c�irec:t the R�rnsey� �aunty Auditnr to adjust the <br />Uriginal Assessrr�ent so that it re#�ecis the amaunt of the fievised Assessmert against ihe <br />�ta�e�ty P�rcels to�et�:er with interest therec�n at tlie rate of b.5�'/o per annum fram Mav <br />2�, 20�7 in ihe %llo�vin� man�ler. <br />Farcel l�o. Revised Assesse� Amount <br />l. Z73023�3t}0�}1 <br />2. 27�023430()09 <br />$5,833.33 <br />$5,833.33 <br />�. 233��3�3U010 $5,833.34 <br />'T'€7TAL <br />$ i 7.5�(�.fl0 <br />3. If the above described adjustments cannat be naac�e in fim� tc� ctarrect S�eci�:l Assessment <br />installrnents due and �ay�b�e in �(}08, the �:ity �vill �urthcr red�,rce the above Reviscd <br />Assessmei�t amo�n�s, as necessary, in arcier ta eredit Plahertys ic�r pay3nents rnade in <br />20Q8 i�� excess of ��e arnounts that �ould have paid i�'thc Revised Assess�nents had �een <br />inclu�ed in Reso�utions Na. Oi-558. <br />�. in cansir�eration af the City's Agre�rr�ent to re�uGe assesstnerns as herein described, <br />Flaheriys agree to dismiss the Sp�cial Assessm�nt Appea�s as s;ozitained i� District Court <br />l�ile No.: 62-CV-07-7U3 with preji��3icc and wiihout cost �t� either �art��. <br />5. The �'arties aelcnavvledge that Flahertys has c�ther claims arising �'rom the construcc�on �f <br />the t'rt�ject and the this Stipulation of Settlement is nat intended to, nor shall it be <br />2 <br />