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� EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: 3une 9, 2008 <br />TO: Mayor and City Cour�cil <br />Ronald J. Moorse, City Administrator <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />Greg Hoag, Public Works Director <br />Da�e Scherbel, Building Official <br />SUB.IECT: City Hal� Building Systems <br />Back�rounci <br />The handicap pawer door b�atton does nat operate after regular business hours. The standard <br />install is a magnetic door lock, operates the right side door from the exterior. The ptacement oi <br />the handicap power aceess door is on the left side from the exterior, causing the doar to rernain <br />Iocked after regular business hours. <br />Solution <br />Pro Tec Design, tl�e instaIIer of our magnetic lock system, has exarnined the front entry door <br />locking systern. In order to maintain the building secur�ty and sa�e cost, Pz-o Tec Design <br />recomanends the magnetie lock be relocated froxn the right side door to the Ieft s�de door. This <br />wauId then allow for handieap access after regular business hours only with a magnetic card. <br />Additzonally, Pra Tec Design would install a keyed bypass switch, located near the security <br />panel, whieh would manually disable the front entry door magnetic Iock. This wouId Enable the <br />handicap access button to work without a card a�ter hours. <br />Once the meeting.or event is over, staff will be able to z-elock tl�e front entry door with the key <br />switch located next to the alarm panel, lock the front entry door and activate the building seeurity <br />system. To comp3�te t1�is project, Har Mar Locks would need to provide a keyed cylinder for the <br />switch. A copy of Pra Tec Des�gn's proposa3 is incIuded. <br />Reco�nmendation <br />City staff recam�nends that Council approve a motion to have Pz-a Tec Design perfarm the above <br />work for $2,53�.00 and $304.00 for Har Mar Lock to provide and install the keyed cylinder <br />switch <br />11Metro-e��et�ardenhiTlsl,4dminlAssistaiti City A[lministratortiNoahlReconfigurirtg fi�oEzt ent�y handicap access.DOC <br />