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�S. EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: 3une 5, 2Q08 <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />Ran Moorse, City Administrator <br />FR�M: Kristine G�ga, Civil Engineer <br />SUBJECT: 2006 PMP (Ridgewaod Neighborhood) <br />Additional Landscaping <br />BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION <br />At the November l3, 20Q6 City Cauncil meeting, the City Council approved additional funding <br />to add tnore trees and �andseaping to the 200b PMP- Ridgewaod Neighbarhood i�l a� amount of <br />$15,000. <br />A preIiminary additional landscaping p�an was prepared and provided for residents at a <br />n�ighborhood meeting on May 7, 2007. Based on comme�ts received from residents, staffmade <br />some modifications to �he plan. The �rirnary difference was a request for vines or plant gowth <br />that would g�-ow on and cover the taller retaining walls, instead of a row of shrubs in front of the <br />walls, still leaving exposed wall higher up. <br />Areas ic�entified fQr additional trees, shrubs or plantings with the revisec� plan are as follows: <br />Siems Court: 16 trees, 20 shrubs, 32 ivy plantings <br />Skiles Lane: � tree <br />Ridgewood Road. 4 trees, 43 ivy plantangs <br />Tatai: 21 trees, 20 shrubs, 75 plantzngs <br />Upon City Council approval, staff will coordinate with tl�e contractor to have the plants installe� <br />by the enc� of the znonth. <br />1`,M',ardenhi11s1PR&P W IEngi neering12�O81Counci[_Actic��s,6-9-08 M emo2fl46 PM P i.andscaping_Award.doc <br />