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_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ <br />� <br />-�i .R�EN�HILLs . <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: April 2$, 20Q8 <br />TO: Mayor & City Council <br />FROM: Meagan Beekman, Plant�er I <br />SUBJECT: Pianning Case #OS-b12 <br />Variance <br />Grant Dattilo <br />1381 Floral Drive <br />Request <br />IVlotion to Approve Plannirig Case 08-012 for Two Variances at 1381 Floral Drive, Based on the <br />Findings of �act and the Sub�nitted Plans, as Amended by the Five Conditians in the April 28, <br />2008, Report to the Ci�y Council. <br />Background <br />The applicant owns the dwelling at 1831 Flora� Drive, which is a located in the R-1 Zoning <br />District. It has an attached single stall garage. The existing honr�e is currently non-conforming. <br />It currently encroaches four feet inio the required 40 foot front yard setbaci�. The west side of <br />the existing dwelli�g is setback 21 feet from the side property line. The east side of the home is <br />setback four feet fram the side property Iine. The applicant is proposing to construct an <br />additional garage stall on the west side, creating a two-s�all garage. The proposed side setback <br />on this side would be reduced from 21 feet down to ten feet. The City's Zoning Code requires a <br />minimum te�. foot side yard setback in the R-1 Zone. Whil� the proposed project meets this <br />regulation, the combined side yard setbacks would be reduced from 25 feet, which currently <br />meets code, down to fourteen feet. <br />In additioz�, the existing garage steps back approxinnately two feet from the front of the house, <br />and encroaches two feet in to the front yard setback. The garage addition would maintain the <br />City of�Irden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for April .28, 2008 <br />IlAaetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPdanningCases12008108-012Dattilo variance{PC.4ppraved)1042808-CCReport-Datillo [�ariance.rloc <br />Page 1 of4 <br />