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Draft Minutes — Apri12, 2008, Planning Co�nmission Meeting <br />PLANNING CASE # 08-012 — VARIANCE; GRANT DATTILO; 1381 FLORAL <br />DRIVE �.� � <br />Ms. Beekman reported ihat the applicant subrnitted a request for two variances to <br />construct a 253 square foot addition to tlze garage on the west side oi the dwelling <br />at 13 S 1 Flaral Drive, creating a two-stall garage. The proposed garage addition <br />would encroach two feet into the required front yard setbacic and reduce the <br />combined side yard setbacks from 25 feet down to fourteen feet. She then <br />provided background information and said the findings of fact do not specifically <br />support a recommendation for denial or approval. She stated that if the Planning <br />Commission recommends approval, Staff recommends the following five <br />conditions. <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as <br />amenc�ed by the conditions of approvaL Any significant changes to these <br />p1ans, as determined by the City Planner, shall require review and appz-oval by <br />the Planning Commission. <br />2. The applicant shall use best management practices (BMPs) to conirol erosion <br />at all times during constructioz�. <br />The applicant sha11 obtain approval or a waiver from the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />4. The structure shall conform to all other regulations in the City Code. <br />5. The addition will match the color and siding of the rest of the primary <br />structure. <br />Chair Larson inquired if there was a walk-out to the rear of the property. Ms. <br />Beekman stated that there was. <br />Chair Larson inquired if the high water table zs in the backyard. Ms. Beekman <br />stated that it is. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commission questions. <br />Commissioner Holewa inquired about the drop-off in the back of the property. <br />Ms. Beekmaz� stated she thinks ii is about 10 fee�. <br />Commissioner Holewa inquired if the driveway will curve in the front yard and if <br />theze will be a second story on the garage. Ms. Beekman stated ihat her <br />z�nderstanding is that there won't be a floor on the second stoxy, but the window is <br />there for aesthetic purposes. <br />