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� <br />�'iI�DE�N HILLS <br />MEi�iORANDUi��T <br />DATE: Ap��il 28, 2008 <br />TO: Mayoa- & City Cou»cil <br />TRONI: MEa�an Bcek���a�a, �'Iaz�tler I <br />SUBJECI': Planr�ing Case #: OS-005 <br />Vacation Request of rour Easeme�its and a Rigi�t-of-�Vay <br />CibIK �,rciett I-Ioldings <br />No�•tliwest Coa•�►ex• of lntei•states G94 a«d 35�V <br />Requested Act'ro�i <br />Consider ap}�raving ResoltEtion 200�-Ol�i for tEle vacation of four easeil�e�lis a»d a��ub[ic right- <br />of ���ay as paE't of tl�e ��inal Plat for Ehe T�-avei-sc Business Center as proposcd i�� tl�e 11pt-il 28, <br />2008, Re��orC to tE�c City Council. <br />BackQro��ici <br />O�t Octobei- ?9, 2007, ti�e City of Arden Hills approved a piannec� tl�iit de��elopme�it {PUDj <br />��ern�it to CMK Arde�� I-Ioidiii�s (Ghesapeake Co�i�}�anies) 1'oc- t1�e Tt'averse Bt�sii�ess Ce��ter to <br />co��sir�ict �Ep ta �U0,000 s�ua�-e fee� of l�uildi��� spac� ati ihe }�►-operty located ir� the noi�t���ast <br />co�-nc1- of 133tcrs€aies 3�V4� and G94. The a��E�roval ��fas stibject to ten conciitio��s. Conditioil <br />���imber fir�e �'ec�ui��cd thc app[ica�lt to repl�it tl�e pi-olacrt�� p�'io�' lo tl�e issuance of a��y t��iildii�g <br />pern�iis. As part of tl�e ��ro}aosal lo replat tl�c property, the �p��lica��t is rec���esiiiig tl�at tlle City <br />vacate several eascments a��d tl�e ri;llt-of-�a�ay for l3`'' S�reet NE, «-liicl� only serves the <br />applica��i's p�-aCaerl��. �1'�te existii�g eas�me�lts do ��oi line t�p ���iil� tl�e a��provc;d buildin�� d�sig�l <br />�tnd preli�ni�lary clrainage a»d utility ��laais. FurthcE-mo��e, t1�e 13`�' Stree[ NE a-i�l�t-of-«�ay is <br />tteeded for building space on the pro��c�-ty. <br />An easeme��t �-acation �-equires a�nEblic l�earing l�eforc [he City Cou�icil. Tl�e pul�lic he�t�-ing «�as <br />noticeci in the Shorcvic���-IArden I-1iIls �3ttlletin priar to this evening's meetint�. "I�he app�-oval of <br />the vacatio�� requesi is conlinge�3t oa� ihe approval of the }�relimiFiary and Cnal plat for the <br />Traverse Busiiaess Ce��tcr. <br />li.d4i°!rn•i>>i7.rr.+'':tn'ifenlrilGtWlrr�r�irrrg;Plrrrurii+� C'rr,sasi300S1f)�S�L)D� I're�i�nina�7� c� l���1a! Plat rrnd f'acruiofr (PC rlpprore�Ij;O-03,S08 - C'(.� <br />Rcporr - '!'rarcr:sc 1'acu�ion.doc <br />�����1 1 Qt� � <br />