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13. Applicant sha�l submit proof o� ownership of the property prior to execUtion of the <br />Interim Use Permit. <br />1�. AppIicant shali provide a pedestrian connection at least 6 feet in width from t�e <br />subject property, across the railroad tracks, to tl�e retail properties located <br />irnmediately to the no�h. <br />O �� tions <br />1. Approve the proposal as submitted. <br />2. Approve the proposal with condztions. <br />3. Deny the application with reasons for deniat. If the City denies the petitio�ers request, " <br />must state an writing the reasons for the denial at the time it denies the rec�uest" <br />4. Table for additional information. <br />Deadline for A�ency Actians <br />The City of Arden Hills received the completed appIica#ion far this request on February 22, <br />2008. Pursuant to Minnesota State Stat�e, the City must act on this request by April 22, 2a08 (60 <br />days), unless the city provic��s the petitioner with written reasons for an additional 60 day review <br />period. The City may, wit� the consent of the applicanE, extend the review periad beyond the <br />initial l20 days. <br />Attachments <br />A— April 8, 2008, Emai1 from Rob Davidson <br />Please refer to the March 31, 2408 Council Packet for the follo�ving attachments: <br />A— Drait P�an�ing Commission Minutes <br />B— Interim Use Permit Agreement <br />C— March 5, 2008, Report to the Plar�ning Commission — ht :// <br />City ofA��den Hills <br />Ciry Council Meeting,for,4pnl 14, 2008 <br />11Meb-o-inet.uslm•denhills IPlanninglPfnnni�rg CasesY2008108-010 �Daridson Interim Use Pe�mit (PCAppraredJ1041408 - CC /deporl- Daridson <br />IU!'.doc <br />Page 9 of 9 <br />