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Please provide the following to your correspondence to the council. <br />Pedestrian Conn�ction: <br />It is our view that the pedestrian connection referenced as item 14 s�ould �o# be a part of the <br />interim use permit approval, <br />1. Connections between separate properiy owners should be a kask undertaken by fhe City <br />(a private developer should not be at the task of constructing public improvements on <br />someone else's proper#y} in conjuncfion with parks and trail city wide plan <br />and as a part of the B2 moratorium review <br />2. As written the condition requires us to come fo agreement with 3 separate property <br />owners- an autcome which we would not control and if unsuccessful would be graunds <br />for revoking the interim use permit. Addifionally, there are liability and maintenance <br />issues and obligations that shauld not be imposed on a private entity. <br />3. We would recommend- a.) Striking the provision and work ioward a global sol€ation as a <br />part of the b2 moraforium recommendations. <br />Rob Da�idson <br />The Davidson Companies, Inc. <br />3900 Nor�hwoods Driv <br />Suite 125 <br />Arden Hifls, MN 55912 <br />'Telephone: 651-481-6290 <br />Mobile: 612-590-7206 <br />Fax: fi51-481-6289 <br />E-mafl: robCcr} <br /> <br />