<br />EN HTI,LS
<br />Request for Council Action
<br />Prepared By: Meagan Beekman
<br />__.....�...._�......_-- -- -- ____�
<br />�ept.: Community Development
<br />_._ .. ........ _. . . .. . . ..... ... ........... . .. _ _- -- ----_ ..
<br />Council Mtg. Date: 04-14-08 Budgeted Amount: --
<br />- ..........._ .......................................................................
<br />Final Action Needed B: 04-22-08 Actual Amou�t: --
<br />Y _. _ __
<br />Funding Source: --
<br />on to Approve Planning Gase OS-010 for an Interim Use Permit for Temporary Student Housing at 1201 County Road E Based On the
<br />ings of Fact and the Submitted Plans, as A3nended by the Fourteen Conditions in the Apri[ 14, 2008, Memo to the City Council.
<br />Approve Planning Case OS-090 For an Interim Llse Permit for Temporary Student Housing at 1201 County Road E Based on
<br />Fact and the 5ubmitted Plans, as Amended 6y the Fo�rteen Conditions in the April 14, 200$, Memo to the City Council,
<br />..; ,
<br />��pPnrtmg p;o�urnen�si (attachetl� ;---
<br />- _ . ....................... „ ._... _.._._ _._..._. .......,,.. .. ._.._ --- --.. ..,..,,...., , _._....
<br />X�Memo/Letter: April 14, 2008, Memo to the City Council
<br />., ..... _ _.. . .,,. . _ -- _
<br />_.. _... _ _ ---
<br />: Resolution IVo..
<br />- ... . .............. . _._ _..._._ .,,..... --- - - - _ _ . _,_,...,,,,..._._ ,. _.._ _.....
<br />.,.... --- ,
<br />- ---- ;
<br />Ordinance No.:
<br />--- -- --- ....... _ _._._._. ...,. _...... _ - --- -----_ __..... . _ . ......... .. . ..._ ;
<br />;Engineering Recommendation
<br />. . . _...
<br />--._._.. _.. - _ ------ --- -- ---_ �....---
<br />Attorney Recommendation:
<br />,._. „ ... ........... .. . _ - - — - . ..,,,....,,._....,. _.._„ .......,., . . ._._,. -
<br />A: April 8, 2008, E-mail from Rob Davidson
<br />--....... --- ...,.,. „ . ,
<br />Please refer to tf�e March 3i, 200$ Council Packet Por the following at#achments:
<br />j X`Other: ` A: Qraft Planning Commission minutes
<br />' ` B: Interim Use Permit Agreement
<br />: ; C Planning Case Report 08 040 to the Planning Commission.
<br />