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allaw for fizture �ea�ability when the property is redeveIoped_ The B-2 Plan may call for the <br />reduction of curb cuts once the matter is more fully studied. <br />Potential Condition Language: The applicant shall remove, either th.rough barrier or <br />constntction, one of the th:ree curb cuts accessing the subject praperty, subject to approval <br />from Ramsey County and the City Engineer, prior to the issuance of an Occupancy <br />Percnit. <br />Parking Permits <br />Concern has �een raisec� over the possible traf�c issues that could arise if students that do not <br />iive on site park there in order ta take tne shuttle to campus. There is ample par%ing on site far <br />the students that will be housed in the praperty, but excess student parking could pose a problem. <br />Narthwestem College has indicated that they will be reyuiring parking permits in �he form of a <br />sticker that would pertnit only those students that Iive on site to par�C in the lot. All other <br />students would then be prohibited from parking on the subject property. This would eliminate <br />other students from utilizing the site for parking. <br />Patential Condition Lang�uage: Northwestern College shall require parking permits for <br />students that live and sta�f that worl� on the subject property_ Student and staff that do <br />not work or live on the property shall be prohibited frorn paz-kiz�g on the site. No parking <br />shal] be permitted without a permit. Northwestern College shalI be responsible for <br />manitoring parking on the site. <br />Shuttle Service <br />Northwestern College has indicated that a shuttle service will be provided to transport stttdents to <br />and frorn the subject property and campus for classes and church services. They have also <br />indicated that students who live in the proposed student housing would not be permitted to drive <br />to, and park on, campus during sc�oal hours. Concern has been raised abo�t how Northwestern <br />College would enforce this, and whether or not adequate shuttle service will be provided so as to <br />sufficientIy minimize the number of students driving to anc� from campus. Staff does not have <br />knowledge of �aow many shuttle trips per day woulci be sufficient to mee# this goal, though <br />Northwestern ColIege wouIci be required to submit to the City a sched�le of their trips. Staff has <br />notified the applicant of this concern ar�d recommends having representatives from Northwestern <br />College address this concerr� directIy. <br />Potential Condition Lan a e: <br />Northwestem College shall provide at minimum roundtrips per day by way of <br />shuttle service to and from the subject property and the Caanpus so as to rninimize <br />studen�s fraxt't driving to campus from t13e subject property. <br />City afArden Hills <br />Ciry Council Meeting for April 14, 2008 <br />1lMetro-irrel.uslai•denlai7lslPlanni�aglPlanni�rg Casesl?U0811)8-{llll Daridson h�terirn Use Ae�mi1 (PC Appro�°ed}1 p91448 - CC Repa7 - Dai°idsa� <br />IUP.doc <br />Page � of 9 <br />