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�liarci� 5, 2f)Qx, f'Ia��i��i��; Comn�issic��� ;'�Icetir��; <br />DR,'�� I' hlcctixi�; �1ir�ures <br />.��.. PL:ihNING Cr1SE #OS-O(!5— I'�2E:LIIIINARY & FINAI. �'LAT: <br />'I'RA�'ERSI� 13L1SIN�?SS C�?N"I'�.R- PUQIaIC EIEARING <br />M�. �3eekn�an reportal tl�at the applic<�nt s�ibn�itted a prelimi��ary a��ci ti�tal ��lat to <br />i�m3hiE�e ii� c E�a�-ccls into orie in ihc "1"�-aversc Business CcnteE- Plat. Shc ilier� <br />pro��ic�cc� �r�ck�rou�lci i�ili�nntitioi� a��cl said Sta�f is rccon��3icnding a����ro��al of�the <br />�'r�lin�inar` and 1=inal Pfat ot� tF�e �l'ravc�-sc I3usiness Centcr subjeci tc> the <br />RUIII)�i'111+,! 111l11' C:()liC�lt1011ti_ <br />1. 1=i��a1 ��r��dii��. �it�aina<,�c, utility, �tFicl ert�sion cof�trc��l ��lans #or tl�e pa-operty <br />s)��z11 bi: s111�ject io 3�evic�ar �lIl(I apprc>val by i�ie City's Public �'Vz�rlcs arxl <br />l���zinecri��� Depa�-tments, a»d the IZicc C.,rcck ��'atershed District pa-ior to th� <br />isst3an�� ��i�a�uildin� or gracli��� per�nits. <br />?. �t�f�r p��o.�ict �l��tll ��e sui�jcct to Cit}� I�r<�sion Co�itrol per���its. <br />a. "I�he utilit�� ��jans ti�r eacli Ic>i sl3�ll be sEibjeci tu app�-��v<al by tlie C"ity I���ginee;�� <br />ancl �'i3h]ic l��<�rkti I:)ircctoi- pi-ior to tlie issuancc of atl�� �uilcii»� pe��»its. <br />�. E.��seme��ts shafl l�c ��rai�tcd t�� thc City, stiE�jeet �o appr�val of� t1�c City�s <br />Public 1�'ur[:s ancj E:n��inecr-i���� I.)epartmcnts, t'ix �fl pu��lic utilities, prior to <br />tE�� issE�a�icc of ��ny huilciing ��c��n�its. <br />>. �l�l�c appli�ar�t s��all ��btai�� all nc�essa�-y pc�-mits fr-o�2� tE�� IZice C`rcc�; <br />���ater5hed �)istrict, Nl'DE�S. Ra���sey C'c�unly, lhe i1�1e;1�-opc�lit��n C�oua�ei�_ �he <br />St��te o1� ��iia�lcsota I�epartme»t oi� \��tural Resc�urces anc� ���ly otl�cr govcn�i��� <br />a��encits ti��hcre apl�licablc ��ric�r to tlze issuancc of�any buildira� per�nits. <br />G. "I`l�� a����firlill Slltlll pay a par�: dedicatio�3 tee. "l�llc fce shafl f�c detcm�iited f�y <br />the Cit`� C'c��3ncil_ ancl shall bc paid ii� f�Ell prior tc� tl�c 4xecution o#� tl�c 1=inal <br />�'lat, at� thc ��ropert�� o���ner sliall cnter i��fa a�� ttgree�neE�t for t1 a�aytncnt �3[an <br />1��at is in accord��ncc �vatl� Section 1 130�0� Sisbd. L of tlie Ci1y Cocic. <br />7. V��cati�l�� the existinb d�-aina�;e �►nd ut'ility c��se�t�ents sli��ll requi�-e apprt���al <br />��ro��i th� C.'ity Caur�ci� prior to thc ex�c�ition o1�tl�e F�in��l Plat, <br />8_ Tcn3poz�ary easetrtcnts 1i�i• the existing utilities on site s�iall be gr��ntcd t�� tl�c <br />City by thr apj�lic<ti3t until �ct-3�1a��ctit ease�t�ents have bec�l rccordeci. "]�ltc <br />le�iip��ra�-�� casen�ents shall bc subje:ct to City Attorncy �ancl City Engineer <br />a�apro��al prior to t��e cxccution of�tii� iina� plat. <br />