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Commissioner Sand stated he would like the bike lane to be on the easte�-n side of <br />the road. <br />Ms. Beekman stated the proposed Ian�age for part of condition 24 could be: <br />"The iraffic calming measures be for four feet of bike lane be on the easterrs side <br />of the road." <br />Chair Larson stateci he wauid Iike it to be presented to the Council tha# one of the <br />traf�c cal�ni�g rneasures is the bike lane on the eastern s�de o#'the road. <br />Commissioner Thompson inquired if it would be appropriate to have a cvndition <br />that 50 percent of the tree buffer be installed before eonstruction begins. Mr. <br />Manning stated that it wauld be fne to include it as part of the conditions_ <br />Coanmissioner Thoz�pson stated tl�at she wauld ]ike cond�tion.Zl to s�a�e: "A <br />rninimum of 50 percent of the tree buffer be installed before canstruction is <br />started." <br />Mr. Lehnhoff stated that sinee the City can't apply their conditions to the City of <br />Roseville, it sho�ld state that the 50 percent is along #he road in Arden Hills. <br />Commissioner T`horr�pson stated she would like the college to provide cantacts for <br />the neighbors so they can continue to commUnicate any concerns. <br />Mr_ Manning stated there won't be a Iot of �andscaping on the Roseville side <br />because of the future ramp. <br />Connmissianer Holewa moved, seconded by Commissioner Thorr�pson, to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case d8-006 for a Site Plan Review of Phase <br />one for the PUD Master plan at 3Q03 Sne�ling Aver�ue based on the fndings of <br />fact and the subrr�itted plans, sub}ect to the twenty-one conditions as listed in <br />staf�s Mareh 5, 2008 report. <br />The �noiion camed unanimously (6-0}. <br />This P�anning Case will be reviewed at the Monday, March 3l, 2008, City <br />Co�tncil meeting. <br />