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U. Graund LeveE-Life Safety Plan and Code Comp[iance {LS-110} dated <br />February 1, 2008. <br />V. Second Levet-Li#e Safety Plan anci Code Comp[iance {LS-120) dated <br />February 1, 20Q8. <br />W. B�itdin� Elevations C P�ase II (A-320), (A-321 }, (A-322) and {A-323) <br />dated �ebruary 1, 2008. <br />X. Northwestern Colle�e and Radio Parki�� Structure (E-�01 and E-102) <br />dated February 7, 2�08. <br />3.� Site Plan Review/ApprovaL On March 5, 2a08, the Arden Hills �Eanning <br />Cammission reviewed ti�e appiication, considered the recommenda�ions of the - <br />Arden Hills City staff, con�u[tants and recommended approval of the <br />application subject ta certain conditions. On March 31, 2008, t�e Arden Hills <br />City Council reviewed the application, the r�commendations of the Arden Hiits <br />staff, the Arden HiEls cansultants, the Arden Hilis Pfanning Comrnission; ar�d - <br />approve the application for t�e devetopment described herein subject to the <br />fotlawing conditions: ' <br />A_ The Appticant shall continue to abide by ihe eonditions of all previous ' <br />permi�s and reviews. <br />B. The project shall be campleted in accardance with the Pla�s as amended <br />by ��e conditions o# approvaL Any significant change to the plans, as <br />determir�ed by the City P[anner, sk�all reg�ire review and appraval by tF�e <br />Plan�ing Commission and City Council. <br />C. The Ap�[icant shall submit a financial surety in a form acc�ptab�� to tE�e <br />City Attorr�ey for 125 percent af the cost of materials and installation of <br />the landscaping plan prior ta the City issuin� any permits. The City ShaE[ <br />retain the financial surety for at least one year after fulE implementation <br />of the landscapin� plan. The financial surety shatl only be released upon <br />s�ccessf�l irtspection of the tandscaping by the City PEanner, which shafl <br />only occur during the growing seasan. <br />D. A temparary fence shall be placed between the construction area and <br />the trees that are to be retaineci, as shawn on tf�e tree preservation plan <br />(�-203). The fence shalf be subject to City Planner inspection and sF�all <br />be i�t plaee prior to the issuance Qf any building perrr�its. The fence shall <br />be maintained and shall not be removed without City Planner approval. <br />E_ !f any of tf�e retained trees, as shown o� the tree preservation pEan (L- <br />ZU3) are removed or damaged by any natural or manmade force prior to <br />C�ty staff's final ins�ection of the futly imptemented tandscaping plan, <br />Applicant shall replace 125 pereent of the City of Arden Hi[ls remo�ed <br />2 <br />