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7J Zoning Code Amendment for B2 Interim Use
City Council
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7J Zoning Code Amendment for B2 Interim Use
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Last modified
10/24/2024 9:40:22 AM
Creation date
2/10/2011 10:46:36 AM
3-31-08 Council Regular
General - Type
3-31-08 Council Regular
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City of Arden Hills Chapter 13 Zoning Code <br />C. Referral ta Others. The administrator shall also refer copies of the <br />application and required documentation in support thereof to other City <br />officials wi�o have an interesi therein in accardance with the required <br />administrative distribution sched�xle. <br />D. Record of Noiice. A copy of the notice and a list of the names and <br />addresses to rrrhich the notice was sent sha11 be attested to by the <br />adm�inistrator and shall be made a part of the records of the proceedings. <br />E. Failure of Written Notice. The failure to give mailed notice to <br />individual property owners shall not invalidate the proceedings, provided a <br />bona fide attempt to camply with thzs subdivision has been made. <br />�ubd. 4 Public Hearing �iy Planning Commission. Within sixty (60) days after the <br />date of receipt oi the comple�ed application from the landowner, by tl�e zoning <br />administrator or the Ciry Council's ini�iation of the proceedings, the Planning <br />Commission shall hold a public hearing and make a written report to the Council of <br />its findings, conclusions and recorn�endations, unless the Commission, upon written <br />request of the applicant, grants a time exiension. Tkae applicant or his representative <br />shall be given the opportunity to appear before the Commission to answer questions <br />ar give explanations regarding the proposaL The Comrnission may adjourn the public <br />hearing to its next meeiing, either regular or special, and may continue its study and <br />consideration of the application at meetings subsequent to the m�eting at which the <br />public �earing was initially held. Upon completion of the public hearing and its study <br />and consideration of the application, the Commission shall st�brnit its writ�en report, <br />containing zts findings, conclusions, and recornmendations as to the application, to the <br />Council. <br />Subd.S Additional Hearings by Council. The Council may hold addztional <br />hearings within thirty {30) days after the receipt of the report frorn the Commission. <br />If the Cornmission fails to make a report within sixty {60) days after receipt oi the <br />application, then the Council shall hold a public hearing within thirty {30) days after <br />the expiration of said sixty (60} day period, unless the Council, upon receipt of a <br />written request from the applicant, grants an extension of time. Failure to receive a <br />report from the Commission, as herein provided, shall not invalidaie the proceedings <br />or actions of the Council. <br />Su�d. 6 Action by Council. The Council must take action on the applicatzon <br />within sixty {60) days following the report to it by the Commission or %llowing a <br />hearing held by the Council. Council action may include approval, denial or referral <br />back to thE Commission. Council action may inclt�de approval in whole ar in part, <br />tabling for a specified period of time, oz z-eferral back to the Commzssion for its <br />furtk�er consideration and report to the Council within a specified periad of tirr�e not to <br />exceed sixty (60) days from ihe date of such referral. The applicant shall be notified <br />in writing of the Cauncil's action. <br />Section 1355 — Administration and Procedures <br />Adopted: November J 3, 20Q6 <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />
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