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Chair Larson direeted 5taffto look into the feasibility afthe sidewalk. <br />Chazr Larson apened ihe pub�ic hearing at 8:15 p.m_ <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against the appiication to come forward a�d <br />make comment. <br />Chair Larsan closed the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br />Colnmissioner Sand inyuired if there are signs an the building from when it was <br />previous�y a hotel/restaurant. <br />Chair Larson inquired if signage wouId be covered during the maratorium. Mr. <br />Lehnhoff stated additional signage beyond what exists couldra't be added. He <br />stated #hat �hey wouId have use of the signage area that is currently there. <br />Ms. Seek�nan stated that signage could be removed. <br />Mr. Davidson stated there is a pylon sign that has removed the sig� for Holiday <br />Znn, but they would expect to have a Northwestern College sign in its place_ <br />Commissioner 5todola stated that there was a planter that was well maintained by <br />the hotel. She suggested that as a student project it be planted and maintained. <br />Mr. Schroeder stated the college is com�nitted to maintaining the grass and <br />pl antings. <br />Comrnissioner Holewa moved, seconded by Cornmissioner Sand, to recommend <br />approv�l of Planning Case 08-0 i 0 for an Interim Use Permit at I201 County Road <br />E based on the finc�ings of fact and the submitted plans, subject €o the thirteen <br />canc�itions as listed in staff's March S, 2008 report. <br />Commissioner Sand recammended a friendly a�ne�dment. He stated they <br />discussed sorne language for eondition 11 and wou�d like tanguage that is <br />acceptable to the City Attorr3ey and Staff prior to s�bmission to the Council. <br />Commissioner Halewa accepted the friendly amendment. <br />Ms. Beekman stated that Condition 9 was also modified. <br />The motion carried ►�nanimously (b-0}. <br />This Planning Case will be reviewed at the Monday, March 31, 2008, City <br />Council meeting. <br />