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My suggestion for the Council is to consider the long range implicaiions of the project <br />upon tr�e Crty, its residen�s and the planning objectives you have for the TCAAP <br />property. <br />Specifically such considerations include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />• Will this project improve the safety of traffic through the can�munity and improve <br />vehicular and pedestirzazl safety at THI0ICR96? <br />• Will appropriate access to �arcels abutting TH 10, including Arden Manor, be <br />rnaintained and/or improved by the project? <br />• Will the improverz�enis provide apprapriate acce�s to the TCA.AP property as <br />shown in the Ryan concept plan [bath on TH10 and CR96]? <br />• Are the impacts of individual residents in Arden Manor as we�l as hozne and <br />business or�ners adjacent io TH10 minimized? <br />• Will the improvexnents provide long-range improved access to the community to <br />the regional transportation system - I35W, Ib9� and TH10? <br />Another issue on the immediate hori.zon is the need for Ramsey County to commence <br />their planning for the CR96 impravements. They have informed us that within three <br />months they must commence their project planning to be able to z�rzazz�tain their pr�ject <br />fur�ding and have the project construction schedule of 201 � rnaintained. <br />T recommend tliat the Council review the February 4 concept plan and provide us with <br />your comments anc�/or changes ai your February X3 special work sessio�. With your <br />further direci'ron my objeciive is ta have the Council consider forrr�al approval a conce�t <br />plan at your February 25t�' meeting. <br />